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Результаты 6166 по 6185 из 42589 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Development of CRM system implementation plan in the hotel industry: "PETR HOTEL" caseТимкина Елена Руслановна; Timkina Elena Ruslanovna
2021Development of cross-platform mobile application for an educational platformМясников Владислав Николаевич; Masnikov Vladislav Nikolaevic
2018Development of cryptocurrency market as a challenge to manageability: A comparative analysis of modern states' strategiesКусик Оксана Александровна; Kusik Oksana
2017The development of current Russia–Kazakhstan relationsАбдрахманова Ирина Викторовна; Abdrakhmanova Irina
2020The development of cycling tourism in St PetersburgБрянцев Александр Евгеньевич; Brancev Aleksandr Evgenevic
2023The development of Da Nang (Vietnam) as a tourist destinationЧан Хоанг Уен Тхао; Can Hoang Uen Thao
2018Development of data pre-processing tools for EOR technologies screeningСень Анастасия Игоревна; Sen Anastasiia
2018The development of Delhi: Political strategies and cultural fusionПогорелова Марина Сергеевна; Pogorelova Marina
2018The development of dialogue skills in Russian colloquial speech of Chinese students (based on feature films)Чжу Тинтин; Zhu Tingting
2020Development of digital business transformation strategy based on the analysis of the components of its internal environmentБарабаш Андрей Андреевич; Barabas Andrej Andreevic
2021The development of digital economy in the PRCШишкина Алена Олеговна; Siskina Alena Olegovna
2020Development of digital technology implementation strategy for circular economy business models realizationЛунева Маргарита Сергеевна; Luneva Margarita Sergeevna
2017Development of distributed information system for managing information of intellectual activity results: Client side, statistics collection, report creationХайдаршин Александр Марсельевич; Khaydarshin Aleksandr
2017Development of distributed information system for managing information of intellectual activity results: Server sideГрибков Кирилл Владимирович; Gribkov Kirill
2020Development of distribution strategy for "Aran" companyАветисян Ашхен Арменовна; Avetisan Ashen Armenovna
2016Development of document base searching systemБазарнов Глеб Сергеевич; Bazarnov Gleb
2016Development of ecological culture among students: The case of St. PetersburgХмелёва Анастасия Алексеевна; Khmeleva Anastasiia
2023Development of ecological tourism in the historical region of KareliaКузнецова Екатерина Игоревна; Kuznecova Ekaterina Igorevna
2019The development of economic and humanitarian connections between Russia and Austria in the 21st centuryСтаршов Егор Дмитриевич; Starsov Egor Dmitrievic
2020The development of ecotourism in the Primorsky territoryКарлова Анастасия Евгеньевна; Karlova Anastasia Evgenevna