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Результаты 4005 по 4024 из 42591 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Concept for a geopark at the Vladimir Amalitskii excavation site in the context of the participatory approach strategyЛитвин Полина Викторовна; Litvin Polina Viktorovna
2022Concept for a training and recreation centre for the Josef Kotin Academy of Mechanical EngineeringЮмагалеева Алия Ринатовна; Umagaleeva Alia Rinatovna
2018The concept for developing a new open urban space in Admiralteysky District, St.PetersburgПлетнева Татьяна Дмитриевна; Pletneva Tatiana
2021The concept for developing an urban agrarian landscape in the area of the Shuangdong River, Sichuan Province, ChinaЦзи Юйцэ; Czi Ujce
2021The concept for developing the educational environment for the Josef Kotin Academy of Mechanical EngineeringГазаров Армен Сергеевич; Gazarov Armen Sergeevic
2021The concept for developing the educational environment for the Josef Kotin Academy of Mechanical EngineeringМингажева Юлия Руслановна; Mingazeva Ulia Ruslanovna
2021The concept for revitalising the production building of the former state printing house 'Pechatny Dvor' in St PetersburgНаумова Наталья Дмитриевна; Naumova Natala Dmitrievna
2023Concept for the development of tourist and recreational coastal areas in the city of Aden, the Republic of YemenАль Абси Гхади Абдулвахаб Абдулраб Али; Al Absi Ghadi Abdulvahab Abdulrab Ali
июн-2018The concept haan in the Dutch phraseological worldviewTereshko, Ekaterina
июн-2020The concept HOUSE in Penelope Lively’s The House in Norham GardensNagornova, Ekaterina V.; Volkova, Yana A.
2018The concept joy/happiness in Portuguese and Brazilian songsБеспалова Анастасия Никитична; Bespalova Anastasia
2021Concept of "Blogging" in the Russian language consciousnessЖданова Дарья Михайловна; Zdanova Dara Mihajlovna
2022The concept of "business negotiations" in different culturesЧупров Андрей Александрович; Cuprov Andrej Aleksandrovic
2021The concept of "crisis" in political discourse and the ways of its verbalisationЛи Ци Вэй; Li Ci Vej
2021The concept of "Global village" in the context of intercultural communicationПэн Минцзе; Pen Mincze
2023Concept of "music" in Russian phraseology in the context of Chinese phraseology: Linguistic and culturological aspectБай Гэ; Baj Ge
2022The concept of "oil production" in different world pictures (English, Russian, Chinese)Кузнецова Кристина Сергеевна; Kuznecova Kristina Sergeevna
2017The concept of "soft power" in the political journalism of ChinaСе Хунин; Xie Hongying
2018The concept of "Thainess" as a characteristic of Thai ethnopsychologyДолгова Елизавета Михайловна; Dolgova Elizaveta
2023Concept of "war" ("krig") in the Norwegian military proseАнтонова Анастасия Кирилловна; Antonova Anastasia Kirillovna