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Результаты 3563 по 3582 из 42599 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Comparative analysis of acoustic activity of white whales living in natural environment and captivityКалиновская Юлия Евгеньевна; Kalinovskaia Iuliia
2018Comparative Analysis of Advantages the Famous IT Companies and Their Impact on the Supply Chains PerformanceЧжао Юйхан; Zhao Yuhang
2021Comparative analysis of advertisements in German and Russian fashion magazinesРогова Анна Михайловна; Rogova Anna Mihajlovna
2017A comparative analysis of algorithms for mining frequent itemsets and their usageБусаров Вячеслав Геннадьевич; Busarov Vyacheslav
2023Comparative analysis of Arabic lexical loanwords in Italian and RussianДжабиева Гызтамам Сарваровна; Dzabieva Gyztamam Sarvarovna
2016Comparative analysis of architectural solutions for data storage problem and development of application to access databaseВласов Николай Юрьевич; Vlasov Nikolai
2022Comparative analysis of automatic control approaches to a vehicle suspension systemЧугунов Никита Алексеевич; Cugunov Nikita Alekseevic
2017Comparative analysis of barriers to knowledge transfer in Russian institutions of higher educationСолдаткин Эмиль Олегович; Soldatkin Emil
2018Comparative analysis of branding strategies of opposition political parties in Russia: 2013-2018Кумаритова Тамара Леонидовна; Kumaritova Tamara
2012Comparative analysis of business process modeling techniques in terms of representationButikova, Daria; Бутикова, Д.
дек-2019Comparative analysis of calculation methods in electron spectroscopyAndreeva, Tatiana A.; Bedrina, Marina E.; Ovsyannikov, Dmitry A.
2017Comparative analysis of certain issues in the legal regulation of investment in oil extraction in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian FederationАманбаев Аслан; Amanbayev Aslan
2022Comparative analysis of Chinese and Russian corporate culture of trade enterprisesЧжу Биньбинь; Czu Binbin
2021Comparative analysis of cliche expressions in the domain of medicine (based on English, German and Russian phrases from the language guide "Deutsch in der Pflege")Чербаева Людмила Руслановна; Cerbaeva Ludmila Ruslanovna
2016Comparative analysis of clinical effectiveness of guided tissue regeneration with gingival graft in mouth cavityАнтипова Екатерина Вадимовна
2021Comparative analysis of colour synestems in English, Kazakh and ChineseФажукэ Абудужэхэмань; Fazuke Abuduzeheman
2018A comparative analysis of communication strategies of restaurant brandsФинтисова Анна Александровна; Fintisova Anna
2016Comparative analysis of consumer practices related to nutrition: A case study of St. Petersburg and YekaterinburgМитькина Ксения Игоревна; Mitkina Kseniia
2017Comparative analysis of criminal legislation of the Qin and the Western Han dynastiesБеличенко Вероника Сергеевна; Belichenko Veronika
2021Comparative analysis of culturally specific vocabulary in Daniel Kelman’s novel "Die Vermessung der Welt" and its translation into RussianДедюхина Маргарита Сергеевна; Deduhina Margarita Sergeevna