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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Analysis of the economic results of a company's digital transformationМалахов Дмитрий Романович; Malahov Dmitrij Romanovic
2017Automated processing of unstructured data sets for purposes of shipbuilding market studiesКалинина Екатерина Юрьевна; Kalinina Ekaterina
2022Automatic tuning of DBMS configuration parametersВолков Григорий Валерьевич; Volkov Grigorij Valerevic
2016Automating primary information collection for information agenciesТрищ Евгения Геннадьевна; Trisch Evgeniia
2023Automating the probabilistic estimation of the rate of decline in oil production based on factor analysis of deviationsЗанчаров Артем Александрович; Zancarov Artem Aleksandrovic
2016Automating the processing of non-consolidated disparate data sets in order to perform the marketing analysis of commodity marketsМосквин Дмитрий Александрович; Moskvin Dmitrii
2018Automation of logistics problems in productionРязанова Дарья Денисовна; Ryazanova Daria
2020The automation of transaction formation and private keys holding technology in the blockchainГрехнев Егор Олегович; Grehnev Egor Olegovic
2016Developing management tool for network of franchise retail stores based on 1C:Sales ManagementГумеров Роберт Камилевич; Gumerov Robert
2021Enterprise business process automationБровкин Александр Олегович; Brovkin Aleksandr Olegovic
12-сен-2015Flow analysis: A novel approach for classificationVakh, Christina S; Falkova, Marina T; Timofeeva, Irina I; Moskvin, Alexey L; Moskvin, Leonid N; Bulatov, Andrey V
12-сен-2015Flow analysis: A novel approach for classificationVakh, Christina; Falkova, Marina; Timofeeva, Irina; Moskvin, Alexey; Moskvin, Leonid; Bulatov, Andrey
сен-2017Gamification and KPI Automation: Just Another Managerial Trends or New Motivation Methods?Rebrov, Alexey V.; Cherkasov, Artem Yu.
2016HPLC determination of ofloxacin in urine with on-line microextraction preconcentrationПочивалов Алексей Сергеевич; Pochivalov Aleksei
2022Identifying and Improving Supply Chain Business Processes at UnileverКаминский Семен Сергеевич; Kaminskij Semen Sergeevic
2017Improving the mapping process and automation methods in multiscale mapping for air navigationВолынец Евгения Ивановна; Tarasova Evgeniia
2020Improving warehouse logistics for car manufacturer "Toyota Motors Manufacturing Russia"Покровский Евгений Николаевич; Pokrovskij Evgenij Nikolaevic
июн-2020On the issue of semivariograms constructing automation for precision agriculture problemsIakushev, Viktor P.; Bure, Vladimir M.; Mitrofanova, Olga A.; Mitrofanov, Evgenii P.
2012Risk assessment of technological innovations in MNC’sDobrovolskaya, Tatiana; Добровольская, Т.
2022Segmentation of users using machine learning methodsЖадан Кирилл Сергеевич; Zadan Kirill Sergeevic