Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Testina Ana Sergeevna

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Результаты 1 по 20 из 36  дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024The action plan for attracting tourists from the Republic of Armenia to St PetersburgАрутюнян Лиана Араевна; Arutunan Liana Araevna
2023Augmented reality technologies in destination developmentЗелянина Ольга Александровна; Zelanina Olga Aleksandrovna
2023The best international cases of the development of railway tourism and the effectiveness of implementation to increase the tourist flow to the northwest regionБадакина Анастасия Сергеевна; Badakina Anastasia Sergeevna
2022Creative spaces as anchor objects in the development of destinationsКостина Екатерина; Kostina Ekaterina
2024Creative tourism as a current trend of youth tourismОстапченко Полина Игоревна; Ostapcenko Polina Igorevna
2023Cultural tourism as a tool for maintaining strong cooperation between Russia and East Asian countriesЛебедева Алёна Витальевна; Lebedeva Alena Vitalevna
2019Developing sea cruises of the Viking companyМамедова Ирада Рашидовна; Mamedova Irada Rasidovna
2024The development of guidelines for the inclusive tourism advancement in Russia: a case study of a Russian regionСтукаленко София Александровна; Stukalenko Sofia Aleksandrovna
2022Development of loyalty programmes for tourism destinationsКовган Мария Алексеевна; Kovgan Maria Alekseevna
2019Development of MICE tourism in the Altai RepublicГутникова Маргарита Евгеньевна; Gutnikova Margarita Evgenevna
2020Development perspective of ecological tourism in UzbekistanАло Авина Раджабовна; Alo Avina Radzabovna
2021The development prospects of ski resorts in the North CaucasusДевятерикова Дарья Вячеславовна; Devaterikova Dara Vaceslavovna
2020The development prospects of youth tourism in the Tyumen regionИванова Анна Владимировна; Ivanova Anna Vladimirovna
2024Enotourism in Russia as a promising prospect for developing local tourism productsГоворкова Анна; Govorkova Anna
2021The factors of enhancing the attractiveness of Russian destinations for tourists from China: a case study of St PetersburgВоробьева Арина Юрьевна; Vorobeva Arina Urevna
2024The formation of a comprehensive loyalty programme for the tourist area in the North Caucasus Federal DistrictСнигирева Елена Игоревна; Snigireva Elena Igorevna
2022Gastronomic tourism in St Petersburg for tourists from People's Republic of ChinaВласюк Ян Борисович; Vlasuk An Borisovic
2023A growth in the investment attractiveness of Altay Krai in tourismКрикунова Карина Вадимовна; Krikunova Karina Vadimovna
2024Historical routes in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation: adaptation for Chinese touristsВенедиктова Софья Игоревна; Venediktova Sofa Igorevna
2022The influence of symbolism on the development of “dark” tourism for citizens of the PRC in St PetersburgШубкина Анастасия Николаевна; Subkina Anastasia Nikolaevna