Browsing by Author Surdina Elina Davidovna

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020An analysis of the level of dental medicine training in students of the General Medicine Faculty, SPBUАрутюнян Вита Артемовна; Arutunan Vita Artemovna
reviewSV_recenzia_Bakuradze.jpg.jpg2019Clinical and morphological features of mucous membranes pemphigoidБакурадзе Джумбери Зазаевич; Bakuradze Dzumberi Zazaevic
2019Comparative analysis of sanology culture in oral hygiene of medical students of non-dental profileРасули Саид Абдул Гафур; Rasuli Said Abdul Gafur
2020The comparative characteristics of adhesion of dental composite materials in the direct restoration (experimental research)Куланхина Ирина Александровна; Kulanhina Irina Aleksandrovna
reviewSV_recenzia_Smirnovoj.JPG.jpg2019Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of various polishing systems to create dry gloss of aesthetic restorationsСмирнова Анна Андреевна; Smirnova Anna Andreevna
2021A comparison of the sealing properties of dental sealers under oral cavity conditionsКозаев Юрий Владимирович; Kozaev Urij Vladimirovic
reviewSV_IMG_7184.jpeg.jpg2023Condition of periodontal tissues in postmenopausal womenДаваагэрэл Гэрэлтуяа; Davaagerel Gereltuaa
2020Dental health assessment in children from the socially disadvantaged familiesГуменюк Лилия Юрьевна; Gumenuk Lilia Urevna
2019Determination of indications for children upper lip frenulum plastic from the standpoint of evidence-based medicineВершинина Марина Сергеевна; Versinina Marina Sergeevna
2020Development of a software package for the numerical identification of epidemiological models based on empirical dataГуменюк Алёна Сергеевна; Gumenuk Alena Sergeevna
reviewSV_recenzia_Kurohtina.jpg.jpg2019Development of clinical guidelines for tooth fissure sealingКурохтина Дарья Дмитриевна; Kurohtina Dara Dmitrievna
2020Emergency dental care provision for children in outpatient clinicsКулькова Елена Сергеевна; Kulkova Elena Sergeevna
2020The evaluation of the effectiveness of the instrumental root canal treatment using an operating microscopeЯремко Ирина Васильевна; Aremko Irina Vasilevna
2020The features of nutritional hygiene in students: an aspect of dental disease preventionБайрачная Юлия Игоревна; Bajracnaa Ulia Igorevna
2020The influence of occupational environment factors on the health of dentists with less than a 3-year working experienceГаниев Шохрон Абдунаимович; Ganiev Sohron Abdunaimovic
reviewSV_recenzia_Vasileva.JPG.jpg2019Oral mucosa status in overweight patientsВасильева Елена Сергеевна; Vasileva Elena Sergeevna
2019Prevention of negative attitudes to dental treatment among childrenТарханова Мария Николаевна; Tarhanova Maria Nikolaevna
2023Pulpitis treatment in the XX and XXI century - methods, technologies, differencesБыкуляк Анастасия Игоревна; Bykulak Anastasia Igorevna
2020The qualitative and quantitative microbiota composition in dental implants of patients with inflammatory periodontal diseaseКораков Максим Александрович; Korakov Maksim Aleksandrovic
2021The reasons for the need to implement measures aimed at preventing visual impairment of dentists in the process of their workДолгополова Диана Александровна; Dolgopolova Diana Aleksandrovna