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Результаты 1 по 20 из 49  дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Analysis of collaboration platforms and tools in virtual classroomsДроздова Полина Геннадьевна; Drozdova Polina Gennadevna
2021Analysis of the Relationship between the Sales of Product Categories and their DistributionДобрего Дарья Сергеевна; Dobrego Dara Sergeevna
2023Business Processes Development and CRM Designing for Smart Architects Сonsulting СompanyШибаева Мария Викторовна; Sibaeva Maria Viktorovna
2021Choosing platforms, methods and channels for the educational product "TOGAF-online" by the consulting group "Smart Architects"Тукка Екатерина Игоревна; Tukka Ekaterina Igorevna
2024Corporate IT Product Development Strategy at Company XШахбазян Сона Арамовна; Sahbazan Sona Aramovna
2020CRM-system selection for the Federation of Dancing Sport of St. PetersburgОксас Кира Арвидовна; Oksas Kira Arvidovna
2022Data-Driven Approach for the Preventive Maintenance of ChromatographsЕлизарьева Наталья Леонидовна; Elizareva Natala Leonidovna
2023Designing a Chatbot for a Company of Fitness ClubsКозловская Анастасия Юрьевна; Kozlovskaa Anastasia Urevna
2021Developing a digital marketing strategy for DIY Tools companyБашкирова Марина Дмитриевна; Baskirova Marina Dmitrievna
2024Development of a Project Management Model for Marketing of IT Products and Services for Company XДьяченко Ульяна Владимировна; Dacenko Ulana Vladimirovna
2022Development of a Project Management Regulations in an IT CompanyЗлатковский Марк Николаевич; Zlatkovskij Mark Nikolaevic
2021Development of a tool environment for the project managers of the Asterman companyПарфенов Никита Николаевич; Parfenov Nikita Nikolaevic
2022Development of Internet Marketing Strategy for «Rekruto» CompanyГаллямова Анжелика Айратовна; Gallamova Anzelika Ajratovna
2022Development of Recommendations for Improving the Learning Management System for the Online Educational Product "TOGAF-online" by Smart ArchitectsЧухланцева Елена Андреевна; Cuhlanceva Elena Andreevna
2020Digital Transformation Maturity: Study for Russian MarketЮровских Кристина Андреевна; Urovskih Kristina Andreevna
2024Digitalization of Recordkeeping Processes in the Russian Automobile SocietyКотляр Екатерина Дмитриевна; Kotlar Ekaterina Dmitrievna
2021Digitalization of the mentoring process in the "Russian Post" companyОрысюк Елизавета Викторовна; Orysuk Elizaveta Viktorovna
2020The entrance of Skyeng into the market of additional school online educationМаграчева Мария Григорьевна; Magraceva Maria Grigorevna
2022Framework for Building a Merchant Classification Enrichment System in Online BankingПушкин Артем Алексеевич; Puskin Artem Alekseevic
2023Fuel Delivery Network Optimisation for Gazprom Neft CompanyСиваш Елизавета Алексеевна; Sivas Elizaveta Alekseevna