Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Romanova Natala Urevna

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Результаты 1 по 8 из 8
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2023Borrowed vocabulary in modern journalism: Functional and stylistic aspects (a case study of the magazine "Ogoniok")Лоу Синьвэй; Lou Sinvej
2022The city in the conceptual system of the lyrical hero as a reflection of the picture of the world (a case study of the collection of A. Kushner "Tauride Garden")Морозова Валерия Евгеньевна; Morozova Valeria Evgenevna
2022Colloquial elements in oral dialogues on social and political topics: A case study of Echo of Moscow radio programmeМа Вэньда; Ma Venda
2021Formation of foreign students communicative competence in writing in the genre of annotation to a scientific article: a cognitive approachГо Юйцзе; Go Ujcze
2021Linguistic means used for describing negative characters in modern stories for children (based on books by V.Krapivin)Цзян Янь; Czan An
2021Linguistic projection of a fallen woman image in Fyodor Dostoevsky's prose: A semantic aspectГофман Валерия Сергеевна; Gofman Valeria Sergeevna
2021Linguoculturema “happiness” in the texts of the journalistic style of speech at the beginning of the 21st century (linguosociocultural aspect)У Циюе; U Ciue
2021Specifics of the functioning of high-style phraseological units in modern Russian (in comparison with the Chinese language)Ли Хайнин; Li Hajnin