Browsing by Author Pristanskov Vladimir Dmitrievic

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Features of the investigation of fraud committed using high technologyРиваненков Артур Игоревич; Rivanenkov Artur Igorevic
2019Features of the investigation of iatrogenic crimes committed in the provision of dental medical careОсипова Майя Сергеевна; Osipova Maja Sergeevna
2021Forensic features of the investigation of crimes in the trafficking in precious stonesМажар Владислав Вадимович; Mazar Vladislav Vadimovic
2021Specific features of investigating crimes committed as a result ofa failure to provide medical aid to persons serving punishment at detention facilitiesИльин Федор Ильич; Ilin Fedor Ilic
2019Specifics of investigating frauds committed during delivering medical treatmentСтепнова Анастасия Викторовна; Stepnova Anastasia Viktorovna
2021Use of special knowledge in the investigation of extremist crimesЧерлецкий Руслан Игоревич; Cerleckij Ruslan Igorevic