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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023The Analysis of Employee Engagement at Company XМихайлова Ольга Дмитриевна; Mihajlova Olga Dmitrievna
2020Business plan of crowdrecruitment platformГамаюнов Дмитрий Юрьевич; Gamaunov Dmitrij Urevic
2021Career management practices in IT companiesЗаитов Дмитрий Сергеевич; Zaitov Dmitrij Sergeevic
2022Coaching as a Tool for Retaining Staff in Company XЗабазнова Анна Владимировна; Zabaznova Anna Vladimirovna
2021Determinants and effects of workplace stigmatization in Russian and foreign organizationsГолубкова Анастасия Евгеньевна; Golubkova Anastasia Evgenevna
2023The Effect of Employer Brand on Application Intentions of Young Business Professionals in IndiaУппала Нареш; Uppala Nares
2024The Effect of Organizational Culture on Organizational PerformanceПензина Полина Андреевна; Penzina Polina Andreevna
2024Effects of Individual-Level Factors on the Strength of Corporate CultureЗакржевский Артемий Сергеевич; Zakrzevskij Artemij Sergeevic
2023The Effects of Remote Working Experience on Work Engagement in Russian Professional Services FirmsАкчурина Ангелина; Akcurina Angelina
2024Effects of Socially Responsible HRM on Employee LoyaltyЧжу Цзысюань; Czu Czysuan
2023Employee Loyalty as a Factor of Employee Retention on the Example of the Company XФеренц Руслана Александровна; Ferenc Ruslana Aleksandrovna
2022Employee Marketing Practices During COVID-19 Pandemic on the Example of Yandex CompanyЯковлева Дарина Романовна; Akovleva Darina Romanovna
2020Employer Brand Attractiveness in On-Campus Activities: Employer Brand Personality EffectПатшин Максим Валерьевич; Patsin Maksim Valerevic
2022The Employer's Brand as a Tool for Attracting IT Specialists. Consulting Project for Bank PJSC "FC Otktitie"Румянцев Максим Андреевич; Rumancev Maksim Andreevic
2021Evolution of employee selection methods. From traditional to digitalizationБелякова Александра Александровна; Belakova Aleksandra Aleksandrovna
2022Flexible Working Practices in Predicting Work Behavior of Employees (case of Russian Logistic Company)Малин Аркадий Сергеевич; Malin Arkadij Sergeevic
reviewSV_Grabovaa.jpg.jpg2022Formation of a positive image of a start-up company as an employer to attract generation Z employee (on the example of the startup "DAGE" )Грабовая Наталья Олеговна; Grabovaa Natala Olegovna
reviewSV_Panov.jpg.jpg2022Hiring Practices in the Context of Remote Employment (on the Example of the Company "Окей-ИТ" LLC)Панов Федор Дмитриевич; Panov Fedor Dmitrievic
2024HR Analytics in a Small Logistics CompanyВеселова Анастасия Викторовна; Veselova Anastasia Viktorovna
2020Human resource policies enhancement on the example of company XПоручикова Екатерина Степановна; Porucikova Ekaterina Stepanovna