Browsing by Author Krylatov Aleksandr Urevic

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Adaptive method for global optimization of Lipshitz functionsПоляков Иван Михайлович; Polakov Ivan Mihajlovic
2020Designing a diet plan based on individual physiological characteristics using machine learning techniquesАнтонов Никита Сергеевич; Antonov Nikita Sergeevic
2019Development and implementation of WFM process in Avito website moderation and support departmentЧернышов Дмитрий Олегович; Cernysov Dmitrij Olegovic
2021Development of intelligent tools for evaluating software development problems within SCRUM frameworkГерасимец Богдана; Gerasimec Bogdana
2022Development of methodology for determining heat output of CHP for daily marginal income analysis of PJSC «TGC-1» stаtionsВасильев Владимир Александрович; Vasilev Vladimir Aleksandrovic
2020Development of methods for intellectual analysis of data on resorts preferences of Instagram usersХачатрян Григор Гагикович; Hacatran Grigor Gagikovic
2021Development of methods for intellectual data analysis of gaming preferences of Steam online service usersАльберг Анастасия Геннадьевна; Alberg Anastasia Gennadevna
2020Development of optimal dishes cooking scheduling program for catering establishmentsЗыков Артем Юрьевич; Zykov Artem Urevic
2020Forecasting the outcomes of sporting events with machine learning methodsБайшев Олег Михайлович; Bajsev Oleg Mihajlovic
2024Integral calculus in economicsАймуратов Исламбек Камалатдинович; Ajmuratov Islambek Kamalatdinovic
2020Machine learning models robust to adversarial attacksКиндулов Михаил Львович; Kindulov Mihail Lvovic
2021Mathematical modeling of spatial economic relationships in multi-commodity networksЛонягина Юлия Евгеньевна; Lonagina Ulia Evgenevna
2022Methods for visualising a user discussion web graph in social networksСкурихина Ирина Сергеевна; Skurihina Irina Sergeevna
2022Methods of aggregating and presenting user data in social network discussionsФилатов Илья Сергеевич; Filatov Ila Sergeevic
2021Modelling structured products of "Autocall" typeЦарьков Никита Владимирович; Carkov Nikita Vladimirovic
2019Modelling system of monetary regulationЦыбаева Александра Евгеньевна; Cybaeva Aleksandra Evgenevna
2021Numerical comparison of the steepest gradient descent algorithm with Iusem and Svaiter regularised versionСамедов Нихад Рагим оглы; Samedov Nihad Ragim ogly
2022Optimisation problem solving by swarm and evolutionary algorithmsКузнецова Дарья Сергеевна; Kuznecova Dara Sergeevna
2020Optimization of emergency services' response to the extreme increase in snow cover and ice on the buildings' roofsКалинина Анастасия Викторовна; Kalinina Anastasia Viktorovna
2020Optimization of supplying system for Murmansk by liquefied natural gas using marine transportКарпенко Александр Александрович; Karpenko Aleksandr Aleksandrovic