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Результаты 1 по 11 из 11
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2022Changes in the afforestation of raised bogs under the influence of climatic and anthropogenic factors: a case study of objects of the West-Dvina forest-peatland experimental Station, the Tver regionЕгоров Кирилл Петрович; Egorov Kirill Petrovic
2022Ecosystem engineering by beavers (genus Castor) on small streams in North-Western RussiaЮрин Александр Сергеевич; Urin Aleksandr Sergeevic
2023Forests with Oriental Beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) on the Arkhyz territory of the Teberdinsky National ParkШульженко Иван Николаевич; Sulzenko Ivan Nikolaevic
2021The gap analysis of the protected area network in the Tyumen RegionОспанова Татьяна Ерлановна; Ospanova Tatana Erlanovna
2020Hunting grounds inventorying of the Nerussa-Desna PolesieСуханова Анна Викторовна; Suhanova Anna Viktorovna
2023Large-scale vegetation mapping of mire massifs: a case study of Zvozsky Park specially protected natural area, Arkhangelsk OblastКороткая Елизавета Алексеевна; Korotkaa Elizaveta Alekseevna
2020The mapping of the bog mineral islets of the Polistovsky state nature reserveЧерненко Полина Андреевна; Cernenko Polina Andreevna
2022Monitoring water lobelia (Lobelia dortmanna L.) status: a case study of Beloe Lake, the Kurgalsky reserveГайнитдинова Алиса Айратовна; Gajnitdinova Alisa Ajratovna
2023Prospects for ecotourism development based on environmental asset of specially protected nature areas in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (Yugra) and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous OkrugОспанова Татьяна Ерлановна; Ospanova Tatana Erlanovna
2024Soils of bog mineral islets of the Polistovsky Nature ReserveЮрин Александр Сергеевич; Urin Aleksandr Sergeevic
2022The spatial structure of the forest and mire ecosystems in the impact zone of the Rybinsk storage reservoir: a case study of Bor-Timonino, the Darwin ReserveЧерненко Полина Андреевна; Cernenko Polina Andreevna