Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Davydov Sergej Anatolevic

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Результаты 1 по 19 из 19
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Analysis of the social potential of Russian-Chinese economic cooperation within the framework of the "One Belt, One Road" initiativeЦзя Нин; Cza Nin
2021Career-building strategies for Russian and Chinese youth in the context of digitalisation of society: a sociological analysisАйсина Каримя Радиковна; Ajsina Karima Radikovna
2021Comparative analysis of social policy in China and Russia: a sociological studyЧжао Тяньчжэнь; Czao Tanczen
2022A comparative study of reforms of the economic system of China and Russia: analysis of two transitional economic modelsСюй Шиюань; Suj Siuan
2021Development of environmental awareness in Russia: an economic and sociological analysisСалита Оливия Максимовна; Salita Olivia Maksimovna
2021Digital economy in contemporary China: an economic and sociological analysisЛан Цзяхун; Lan Czahun
2023Digitalisation of education in China: opportunities and barriersЛю Цзясюй; Lu Czasuj
2020The economic sociology of nutrition: gastronomic foodspace in St. PetersburgЧернов Глеб Игоревич; Cernov Gleb Igorevic
2019Food delivery as a new form of consumer behavior in Russia: A study of Chinese restaurants in St PetersburgГао Шаньшань; Gao Sansan
2021A healthy lifestyle as an element of corporate culture: an economic and sociological analysis of employee motivationСерегина Анна Николаевна; Seregina Anna Nikolaevna
2020The impact of the Сhinese internet trading platform on the development of e-commerce in Russia: a sociological analysisШэнь Фэйфэй; Sen Fejfej
2021Management of social and environmental risks in cities in Russia and ChinaМаликова Виктория Юрьевна; Malikova Viktoria Urevna
2021Migration processes in modern megacities: a case study of Beijing and MoscowЯнь Цзе; An Cze
2019A new socio-economic model of redistribution of joint consumption benefitsЛи Бо; Li Bo
2019Nutrition and health: A comparative study of Russia and ChinaБай Шимэн; Baj Simen
2021A sociological perspective on the impact of international tourism development on cities: a case study of St Petersburg and ShanghaiЧжан Найцянь; Czan Najcan
2023Transformation of youth employment in Russia and China: a sociological analysisСунь Лу; Sun Lu
2023Trends in development of China's real estate economy: economic and sociological analysisСу Пань; Su Pan
2020Work experience as a factor in university graduates’ choice of employmentЛи Минфэн; Li Minfen