Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Danilova Svetlana Borisovna

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Результаты 1 по 9 из 9
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Concept for a geopark at the Vladimir Amalitskii excavation site in the context of the participatory approach strategyЛитвин Полина Викторовна; Litvin Polina Viktorovna
2021The concept for developing an urban agrarian landscape in the area of the Shuangdong River, Sichuan Province, ChinaЦзи Юйцэ; Czi Ujce
2023Design principles of urban thematic landscape parks: a case study of Jiang'an District in WuhanВан Яотин; Van Aotin
2024Design project for a hotel in Ruskeala Mountain Park in KareliaИванова Мария Сергеевна; Ivanova Maria Sergeevna
2022An integrated approach to rehabilitation of an abandoned quarry in Wuhan, ChinaЛи Чуньлян; Li Cunlan
2023Principles of modern landscape design based on regional culture: a case study of the Guest of Honour Hotel in the city of YanchengЛю Синьчэн; Lu Sincen
reviewSV_otzyv_Fen_Saouj.jpg.jpg2022Public spaces in traditional and modern urban culture: Jining, ChinaФэн Сяоюй; Fen Saouj
reviewSV_Otzyv_Sysolatina_2024.jpg.jpg2024Regenerating a historic neighbourhood in a modern context: a case study of Pokrovsky Island in St.PetersburgСысолятина Алена Викторовна; Sysolatina Alena Viktorovna
2024Regeneration of the historic block between Vvedenskaia Street, Markina Street and Kronverskii ProspectВеригина Мария Сергеевна; Verigina Maria Sergeevna