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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Birth Rates and Economic Growth in ChinaЛю Сяоцзе; Lu Saocze
2024A Comparative Analysis of Social Well-Being Systems in Russia and ChinaЦао Е; Cao E
2021Corporate culture as a tool for effective organisation managementСан Сумей; San Sumej
2019Corporate culture development in commercial organisationsЛю Даньян; Lu Danan
2024Demographic Factor of Economic Growth in ChinaЕ Нин; E Nin
2021Employment as a social factor in the stability of economic growth in Russia and ChinaМа Сяожань; Ma Saozan
2023Financial situation of Russian and Chinese youthВан Сяоюань; Van Saouan
2021Interaction between universities and employers in youth labor markets in Russia and ChinaТань Мэн; Tan Men
2020Managing employee motivation in banking organisations in ChinaХань Сюй; Han Suj
2021Personnel selection: a comparative analysis of Russian and Chinese managementЦзо Жуйчао; Czo Zujcao
2023Population ageing: public policy in Russia and ChinaБаранов Михаил Владиславович; Baranov Mihail Vladislavovic
2021Rural-urban migration in Russia and ChinaЛи Цинжун; Li Cinzun
2023Scientific, technical and innovative cooperation between Russia and China: social aspectsАйзиер Айкебаиер; Ajzier Ajkebaier
2024Social Activity Practices of the Elderly in Russia and China: a Comparative AnalysisХуан Кайюй; Huan Kajuj
2023Social and economic problems of job search for young professionals in Russia and ChinaАвин Ян Андреевич; Avin An Andreevic
2019Social aspects of brand management in a banking organisationМуханова Ольга Юрьевна; Muhanova Olga Urevna
2023Social problem of developing a mechanism for providing pensions for the elderly in a rural setting in the PRCБу Шуайци; Bu Suajci
2021Social responsibility of the state towards the elderly in Russia and ChinaЖэнь Мэн; Zen Men
2021Social stratification of consumers of e-commerce services in Russia and ChinaЯн Сэнь; An Sen
2020Social work with families of drug-dependant adolescentsНикитина Полина Викторовна; Nikitina Polina Viktorovna