Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Попов Александр Иванович

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Результаты 1 по 14 из 14
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023The biochemical composition of the organic matter of vermicompostЛеонтьев Александр Алексеевич; Leontev Aleksandr Alekseevic
2021The characterisation of soil organic matter qualitative composition in different biotopesКоноплина Лидия Юрьевна; Konoplina Lidia Urevna
2016Characteristics of organic matter of buried humus horizon of dark gray soils in the Belogorie ReserveВерлова Татьяна Александровна; Verlova Tatiana
2016Chemical and biochemical properties of the (MIS 3) buried soil of the Yamskaya SteppeСолдатова Любовь Александровна; Soldatova Liubov
2019Comparative study of organic matter component composition of virgin and agricultural soils in the Belgorod regionБирилко Данила Александрович; Birilko Danila Aleksandrovic
2019The comparison of the composition and properties of soil humic substances obtained by different methodsСазанова Екатерина Витальевна; Sazanova Ekaterina Vitalevna
2022Comparison of the properties of sludge treatment products obtained by two methods - vermicomposting and oxidative-hydrolytic degradationСазанова Екатерина Витальевна; Sazanova Ekaterina Vitalevna
2023Ecological aspects of waste disposers in municipal waste and wastewater management: a case study of the city of PermИшмухаметова Алла Рашидовна; Ismuhametova Alla Rasidovna
2018Formation of structural colloidal micelles of humic materialsПерминова Анастасия Владимировна; Perminova Anastasiia
2018The humic substances influence on the decrease of phytonegative effect of soil polluting hydrocarbonsКрупа Виктория Романовна; Krupa Viktoria
2017Organic matter of soils of different lands: A case study of the migration-mycelial chernozems in the Voronezh RegionКравцов Павел Григорьевич; Kravtsov Pavel
2020The phytobiologically active components of soil organic matterСун Гэ; Sun Ge
2016Preservation of chlorophyll-type compounds in micelles of humic acidsХрапова Екатерина Петровна; Khrapova Ekaterina
2022The speciation of heavy metals in the bottom sediments of Ladoga lakeЗарипова Ксения Маратовна; Zaripova Ksenia Maratovna