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2023Comparative analysis of the calculation of teleoroentgenograms at the Department of Dentistry, St. Petersburg State University.Просвирничев Андрей Алексеевич; Prosvirnicev Andrej Alekseevic
2020The complex assessment of the results of an orthodontic treatment in patients with distal occlusion managed with removable orthodontic appliancesРязанцева Вероника Владимировна; Razanceva Veronika Vladimirovna
2021Digital imaging of orthodontic treatment. Reality and prospectsЛяпищева Серафима Александровна; Lapiseva Serafima Aleksandrovna
2021The long- term results of orthodontic treatment. An analysis of errors and complicationsРайкова Анастасия Павловна; Rajkova Anastasia Pavlovna
2020Prediction of change in vertical parameters of patients with class II malocclusion based on the digital visualisation of the LVI index and cephalometric analysisШвецова Милана Дмитриевна; Svecova Milana Dmitrievna