Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Мызников Сергей Алексеевич

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2017Lexis as a problem of translation: The linguoculturological aspect. Evidence from Andrus Kivirähk's novel "Rehepapp" and its Russian translationКолосова Лилия Валерьевна; Kolosova Liliia
2017Periphrases as a translation problem from the lexical and stylistic perspective: Evidence from Estonian opinion-based discourse as illustrated by the Postimees newspaperГлаголева Анна Романовна; Glagoleva Anna
2017The semantics of the Russian verbs ending with "-ся" and their translation into EstonianБеспалова Юлия Станиславовна; Bespalova Iuliia