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2024English phraseological borrowings in the modern Czech languageМалахов Илья Николаевич; Malahov Ila Nikolaevic
2022Evidentiality in the Bulgarian language and ways of expressing it in translations into Russian, English, and Macedonian: A case study of modern Bulgarian fictionКобзева Дарья Андреевна; Kobzeva Dara Andreevna
2024language animated films and proper names in them into Bulgarian and RussianКиселева Арина Сергеевна; Kiseleva Arina Sergeevna
2023Lexical and semantic group "domestic animals" in Russian poetry of the early 20th century: Semantic-stylistic and linguistic-cultural Aspects (against the background of Chinese poetry)Су Хунхао; Su Hunhao
2022Russian and Chinese phraseological units about a healthy lifestyle in linguocultural aspectФан Ичао; Fan Icao