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2021The choice of a supplier of lighting and sound equipment for organization of mass entertainment events "LV Party"Альтова Варвара Павловна; Altova Varvara Pavlovna
2021Distribution network modeling of the product category “ice cream”Прончатова Евгения Дмитриевна; Proncatova Evgenia Dmitrievna
2020Enhancement of the rack layout system in retail storeАрапова Полина Андреевна; Arapova Polina Andreevna
2022Identifying and Improving Supply Chain Business Processes at UnileverКаминский Семен Сергеевич; Kaminskij Semen Sergeevic
2020Implementation of sustainability practices in supply chains of large Russian companies as a driver of innovative developmentСлышков Дмитрий Игоревич; Slyskov Dmitrij Igorevic
2020Improvement of food inventory management system for restaurantИльягуева Лолита Ильинична; Ilagueva Lolita Ilinicna
2023Improvement of the International Trade and Transportation Scheme of the Company XДенисова Екатерина Александровна; Denisova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
2023Improvement of the Inventory Management System of Company XГарипова Шаура Азаматовна; Garipova Saura Azamatovna
2021Improvement of the management practices of warehouse activities in UnileverФишер Софья Эдуардовна; Fiser Sofa Eduardovna
2020Improvement of the procurement process of the X restaurant chainФилипенко Екатерина Васильевна; Filipenko Ekaterina Vasilevna
2021Improvement of transport navigation for "Unilever"Ренжин Даниил Алексеевич; Renzin Daniil Alekseevic
2021Improving forecast process of suppply costs in the company "Apollo"Антипина Линда Виктория Игоревна; Antipina Linda Viktoria Igorevna
2022Improving Procurement Processes for the Restaurant Business in the Environment of Intense External ChangesКекуа Виктория Николаевна; Kekua Viktoria Nikolaevna
2022Improving the Distribution of Goods Between the Manufacturer and the Marketplace Using the Example of OzonИвлева Александра Андреевна; Ivleva Aleksandra Andreevna
2020Improving X company inventory managementБабаш Дарья Романовна; Babas Dara Romanovna
2022Increasing the Capacity of the Cash Service System Taking into Account a Consumer Behavior Factor: a Case Study of IKEAСмирнова Анастасия Эдуардовна; Smirnova Anastasia Eduardovna
2023Increasing the Efficiency of "Gotek Northwest"'s Production Flow Using the SMED ToolНовиков Артём Павлович; Novikov Artem Pavlovic
2021Logistic strategy for securing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized retail companies in e-commerceХайруллин Камиль Наильевич; Hajrullin Kamil Nailevic
2023Methods for Improving Supply Chain Resilience in Airport Operating CompaniesБашкатова Владлена Дмитриевна; Baskatova Vladlena Dmitrievna
2021Partnership system development in the cold supply chain for UnileverСултанова Екатерина Радыковна; Sultanova Ekaterina Radykovna