Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Кривовичев Герасим Владимирович

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Результаты 1 по 12 из 12
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_recenziya_panchenko_001.jpg.jpg2018Analysis and optimization of explicit Runge-Kutta methods of increased order of accuracyПанченко Маргарита Станиславовна; Panchenko Margarita
2022Analysis of stationary solutions of one-dimensional hemodynamic equationsПопова Диана Алексеевна; Popova Diana Alekseevna
2021Analytical solutions of problems for one-dimensional hemodynamic equationsПрохоров Илья Дмитриевич; Prohorov Ila Dmitrievic
2021Application of high-performance computing in problems of modelling blood flow in vascular systemsФедоренко Максим Андреевич; Fedorenko Maksim Andreevic
2022Application of Sisko rheological model in one-dimensional models of hemodynamicsКуклина Алина Александровна; Kuklina Alina Aleksandrovna
2024Gradient descent methods based on the Runge — Kutta method with Lagrange — Buhrman decompositionКириллов Роман Борисович; Kirillov Roman Borisovic
2016Investigation of explicit methods for Cauchy problem solution based on Lagrange-Burmann expansionРыжиков Александр Вячеславович; Ryzhikov Aleksandr
2016Investigation of Runge-Kutta methods with high order of accuracyПанченко Маргарита Станиславовна; Panchenko Margarita
2021Non-Newtonian models of one-dimensional hemodynamicsСадков Илья Вячеславович; Sadkov Ila Vaceslavovic
2020One-dimensional mathematical models of blood flow in viscoplastic approximationУсова Ольга Александровна; Usova Olga Aleksandrovna
2023Stability analysis of ROCK methods for stochastic delay differential equationsКудряшов Егор Александрович; Kudrasov Egor Aleksandrovic
2020Stability analysis of the Runge — Kutta — Chebyshev methods for equations with delayЗубахина Татьяна Сергеевна; Zubahina Tatana Sergeevna