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Результаты 1 по 18 из 18
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Denominations of persons — causators of high spirits in Modern RussianХу Янисинь; Hu Yangyixin
2024Features of the implementation of the hyper-genre of the podcast in professional discourse (based on the material of the podcast "Pogovorim pro RKI")Матвеева Виктория Павловна; Matveeva Viktoria Pavlovna
2023Formulas of speech etiquette in modern Russian: Functional and semantic aspectШи Чжунхуэй; Si Czunhuej
2022Functional and semantic specific features of Russian adjectives with the meaning of evaluationЧжань Лэмэн; Czan Lemen
reviewSV_Lin_Menyuan_rec2.jpg.jpg2017Functional semantics of the lexico-semantic group of linguistic manipulation verbs in business communicationЛин Мэнюань; Ling Mengyuan
2021Genre distinctive features of Russian job advertisementsХу Наньнань; Hu Nannan
2024The language of Internet-communication and its functioning in the modern youth environment (based on "Vkontakte" social network)Чэнь Цзыан; Cen Czyan
2021Language specific features of the billboard texts of in St. PetersburgМун Джибаек; Mun Dzibaek
reviewSV_Vej_Syaofej_rec2.jpg.jpg2017The letter of motivation attached to a curriculum vitae in Russian business communication: The structural and linguistic characteristicsВэй Сяофэй; Wei Xiaofei
2023Lexical and semantic group "domestic animals" in Russian poetry of the early 20th century: Semantic-stylistic and linguistic-cultural Aspects (against the background of Chinese poetry)Су Хунхао; Su Hunhao
2022Linguocultural specific features of Russian phraseological units with an ornithonym component (in comparison with the Chinese language)Чжао И; Czao I
2023Phraseological Units in a Fiction Against the Background of Chinese Translation (Based on A.S. Pushkin's Novel "Eugene Onegin"): Functional and Semantic AspectЯнь Цзялу; An Czalu
2016The presentation letter as a business letter type: The structural and verbal characteristicsИ Сысяо; Yi Sixiao
2021Promotional videos of Russian and foreign higher education institutions in a communicative and pragmatic aspectЯновская Ольга Юрьевна; Anovskaa Olga Urevna
2022Russian and Chinese phraseological units about a healthy lifestyle in linguocultural aspectФан Ичао; Fan Icao
2022Russian paremias with the component "Trouble" in comparison with the Chinese language: Linguoculturological aspectЧжоу Цзялэй; Czou Czalej
2016A speech portrait of the present-day journalistНабиева Полина Собирджоновна; Nabieva Polina
2016The structural and verbal characteristics of the advertising collage genreВан Хуэйминь; Wang Huimin