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Результаты 1 по 7 из 7
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2016Development of a recreational cluster "The Lava River Canyon" in the Leningrad regionБойцов Данил Алексеевич; Boitcov Danil
2019The development of automobile clusters' infrastructure as a tool to implement Russian Far East tourist-and-recreation potentialЧерёмухина Юлия Витальевна; Ceremuhina Ulia Vitalevna
2016Development of marketing policy of protected recreational areas in ChinaЧжан Лян; Zhang Liang
2017Development of the transport and logistics infrastructure of tourist routes in the Vologda RegionНестеренко Яна Валерьевна; Nesterenko Iana
2017Improving marketing strategy of a tourist company during an economic crisisСтепанец Егор Олегович; Stepanets Egor
2017Organisational and economic model of development of tourist cluster in Shchuchinsk-Borovoye resort areaБаканов Нурсултан; Bakanov Nursultan
2019Prospects of cross-border cooperation in the tourist industry between China and RussiaДай Сымэн; Daj Symen