Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Колесова Дарья Владимировна

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Результаты 1 по 11 из 11
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Autostereotype about Russian characterВан Нингэ; Van Ninge
2021Features of the implementation of the category of emotiveness in Russian person-centered Internet texts: Stylistic aspectЧжу Юньпин; Czu Unpin
2023The lexeme "море" ("sea") in Russian poetry of the 18th–20th centuries against the background of Chinese poetry: Lexico-semantic aspectДу Сыюань; Du Syuan
2023Metaphorical modeling of the "coronavirus" concept in Russian journalistic textsСизых Мария Михайловна; Sizyh Maria Mihajlovna
2022National and cultural specificity of symbols in fiction text: A case study of Ivan Turgenev’s "Poems in Prose"Ли Вэйкан; Li Vejkan
2023Portrait descriptions in Nabokov's story "Ringing": Lexical and thematic groups and their functionsТянь Бовэнь; Tan Boven
2024Prefixed verbs-neologisms in informal discourse (in the background of the Greek language)Пирени Пасхалия; Pireni Pashalia
2023Realisation of the category of subjective modality in the modern information and analytical media discourse: Pragmalinguistic aspectЛю Хаотун; Lu Haotun
2016Request in contemporary Russian-language everyday communication: The verbal realisationРоссолович Катерина Юрьевна; Rossolovich Katerina
2024The speech genre “adult-child conversation" (based on the stories of modern Russian children's writers and L. Tolstoy)Фань Юйвэнь; Fan Ujven
2022Verbalization of the "New Year" frame in the Russian fiction textВан Имин; Van Imin