Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Замулин Андрей Леонидович

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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Coaching as a Tool for Retaining Staff in Company XЗабазнова Анна Владимировна; Zabaznova Anna Vladimirovna
2022Corporate E-learning: Developing a Disclosure to Improve the Program "Management Essentials: Practical School of Management"Тристень Кирилл Дмитриевич; Tristen Kirill Dmitrievic
2023Corporate Social Responsibility as a Factor of Employee EngagementКуликова Анна Романовна; Kulikova Anna Romanovna
2017Creation and management of cross-functional teams: A case study of production company ХНовиков Никита Максимович; Novikov Nikita
2023Creation of Anti-Burnout Organizational Climate in Russian EnterprisesИванов Александр Андреевич; Ivanov Aleksandr Andreevic
2020Developing recommendations for improving involvement level among employees of Marriott hotelНор-Аревян Илья Андреевич; NorArevan Ila Andreevic
2021Development of the reward and motivation system in a transcontinental company on the example of a specific unitБамбурина Анна Валерьевна; Bamburina Anna Valerevna
2020The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Corporate Entrepreneurship with Mediating Role of Absorptive CapacityТхаккар Капил; Thakkar Kapil
2023Emotional Intelligence of a Manager as a Factor in the Development of Communicative Culture in an OrganizationШарипов Акмаль Халимович; Saripov Akmal Halimovic
2017Employees Engagement Across the GenerationsМаметсаитова Мадина Абликимовна; Mametsaitova Madina
2017Employer brand management under gender imbalances: A case study of L'OrealГренадерский Даниил Евгеньевич; Grenaderskii Daniil
2020Engagement Programs as HRM tool in russian companiesПетрова Варвара Игоревна; Petrova Varvara Igorevna
2016Enhancement of internal integration of the company "X"Беспалов Глеб Валерьевич; Bespalov Gleb
2021Executive coaching as a factor of their long-term and sustainable developmentСалтанова Елизавета Юрьевна; Saltanova Elizaveta Urevna
2021Factors of career development of MBA graduatesТамонцева Мария Сергеевна; Tamonceva Maria Sergeevna
2023Features of the Communicative Culture of Organizations in the Post Pandemic PeriodКудряшов Степан Антонович; Kudrasov Stepan Antonovic
2023How Social and Cultural Processes Shape Collaboration in China: A Study of Gender Dynamics in Chinese Virtual TeamsЯо Кэвэй; Ao Kevej
2016Human resource management in company "X" during implementation of internet salesКорденков Сергей Евгеньевич; Kordenkov Sergei
2024Impact of Employer Attractiveness on Employee Loyalty and Involvement of GS Group EmployeesБатуева Наталья Константиновна; Batueva Natala Konstantinovna
2016The impact of intellectual competencies on an HR manager's successШвечиков Владислав Андреевич; Shvechikov Vladislav