Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Елацков Алексей Борисович

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Результаты 1 по 10 из 10
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020The dynamics of electoral and geographic structure of the Scandinavian countriesПанфилов Денис Алексеевич; Panfilov Denis Alekseevic
2021The geographical structure of local self-governance in Russia as a factor in social and economic developmentГолубев Дмитрий Валерьевич; Golubev Dmitrij Valerevic
2019Geopolitical landscape of Easten EuropeЛеонюк Евгений Сергеевич; Leonuk Evgenij Sergeevic
2020Indian reservations in the United States’ territorial and political systemРодионова Анна Ярославовна; Rodionova Anna Aroslavovna
2019International terrorism as a factor of influence on the geopolitical security of the Russian FederationНилогова Софья Алексеевна; Nilogova Sofa Alekseevna
2019National security of the European Union countries: geographical interpretationБагрецов Семен Александрович; Bagrecov Semen Aleksandrovic
2020The political and geographical features of organising sports activitiesЯкунинских Егор Александрович; Akuninskih Egor Aleksandrovic
2022The political geography of Japan: experience in political and geographical zoningОсипов Константин Анатольевич; Osipov Konstantin Anatolevic
2019The problems of Russian speaking population in the post-Soviet statesЯкубов Алексей Алексеевич; Akubov Aleksej Alekseevic
2018Transformation of the electoral-regional structure of the EU in the early 21st centuryМиронов Алексей Андреевич; Mironov Aleksei