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2024The "horizon of expectations" and the reception of Fernando Vallejo's novel "Our Lady of the Assassins" (Spanish title: "La virgen de los sicarios") in Russian.Ривера Гуаяра Карен Джоанна; Rivera Guaara Karen Dzoanna
2024The pragmatic and sociocultural aspect of the quinqui culture language during the Spanish transition period from dictatorship to democracyНиколаева Юлия Константиновна; Nikolaeva Ulia Konstantinovna
2022The pros and cons of transformations in translation of the novel "The Holy Innocents" by Miguel DelibesРевуцкая Елена Андреевна; Revuckaa Elena Andreevna
2017Representation of the "machismo" concept in Gabriel García Márquez's "No One Writes to the Colonel", "Chronicle of a Death Foretold" and "Memories of My Melancholy Whores" and their Russian translationsМатросова Майя Сергеевна; Matrosova Maiia
2018Specific features of the translation of Russian folk tales into the SpanishКротенко Надежда Игоревна; Krotenko Nadezda