Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Бобылев Николай Геннадьевич

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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019Analysis of effectivness of eco-labeling in RussiaМаксимовских Дарья Дмитриевна; Maksimovskih Dara Dmitrievna
2019Application of Environmental Impact Assessment Convention in transboundary context for environmental assessment of construction: A case study of hydroelectric scheme in MongoliaЗагороднюк Алина Анатольевна; Zagorodnuk Alina Anatolevna
2017Assessment of the possibilities to apply the approaches of the "Smart City" concept to environmental aspects of infrastructure modernisation in St.PetersburgТулябаев Шатмурат Айнурович; Tulyabaev Shatmurat
2019Challenges to urban development and social cohesion in the Russian Arctic due to climate changeАгеева Ярославна Владимировна; Ageeva Aroslavna Vladimirovna
2022Changes in the temperature regime of the underground space of urbanised areas under the influence of anthropogenic factorsБорзова Ксения Валерьевна; Borzova Ksenia Valerevna
2023Construction industry impact on climate changeНаби Сэмпсон; Nabi Sempson
2019Ecological survey of urban land use in the Arctic zone of the Russian FederationМехоношина Елена Петровна; Mehonosina Elena Petrovna
2016Efficient Use of Forest Resources in the Republic of KareliaЦильке Арина Артуровна; Tsilke Arina
2022The environmental aspects of the Voluntary Local Reviews of the UN Sustainable Development GoalsДюков Никита Владимирович; Dukov Nikita Vladimirovic
2019Environmental challenges and investment potential of the Russian Arctic townsЕмельянова Анна Сергеевна; Emelanova Anna Sergeevna
2019The environmental rating of the Arctic zone cities in the Russian FederationСавченко Олег Витальевич; Savcenko Oleg Vitalevic
2018Environmental-economic assessment of underground space in St.PetersburgКокажанова Мадина Аскарбековна; Kokazhanova Madina
2019Evironmental planning for large infrastructure projects of the Arctic citiesМихайлов Даниил Александрович; Mihajlov Daniil Aleksandrovic
2017Geographical features of using underground space in citiesСавченко Олег Витальевич; Savchenko Oleg
2019The importance of wetlands in sustainable urban developmentЯковицкая Анастасия Владимировна; Akovickaa Anastasia Vladimirovna
2019Microplastic problems in the Arctic OceanГудкова Мария Сергеевна; Gudkova Maria Sergeevna
2017Optimisation of the functional use of a virtual vertical line in a compact cityШаповалова Лариса Викторовна; Shapovalova Larisa
reviewSV_IMG_0575_jpeg.jpg.jpg2018Optimization of legal and regulatory base for strategic planning in environment conservationБреусов Александр Александрович; Breusov Aleksandr
reviewSV_skan1_Kurmanbaeva_Kaziza.jpeg.jpg2018Prospects for mass development and integration of biodegradable packaging in large food retailers of Russia: A case study of Auchan HoldingКурманбаева Казиза; Kurmanbayeva Kaziza
2017Rehabilitation of green areas in St. Petersburg using environmental planning approachesТоропова Александра Александровна; Toropova Aleksandra