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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Characteristics of a Chinese television journalist's professionalism as illustrated by Chai JingЛо Сяоюй; Luo Xiaoyu
2018Chinese philosophy of daily tabloids: A case study of The Southern Metropolis DailyЛю Хуань; Liu Huan
2017Comics magazines on the press market: A comparative analysis of American and Japanese publicationsПотапова Галина Игоревна; Potapova Galina
2018The composition and graphic model of magazines on computer gamesБубнова Лиана Германовна; Bubnova Liana
2017The contemporary model of qualitative lifestyle magazines during the crisis of magazine periodicalsКалюжин Никита Андреевич; Kaliuzhin Nikita
reviewSV_marchenko.jpeg.jpg2017Documentary films as a form investigative journalismМарченко Екатерина Станиславовна; Marchenko Ekaterina
2018Extreme sports specialized mediaЧжан Исюань; Zhang Yixuan
2018Foreign mass media coverage of the preparation for the 21st FIFA World Football Cup in RussiaСаражакова Анна Семеновна; Sarazhakova Anna
2018The image of Russia in the American press from 2017 to 2018Володина Ксения Сергеевна; Volodina Kseniia
2018The image of Russia in the UK mediaКузьменко Екатерина Семеновна; Kuzmenko Ekaterina
2018The image of the Chinese company ALIBABA in the Russian media environmentСюе Кан; Xue Kang
2016Information policy of professional football clubs in Russia and abroadТретьяков Михаил Сергеевич; Tretiakov Mikhail
2017An innovative model of the media market in the Republic of KoreaКутукова Екатерина Александровна; Kutukova Ekaterina
2016Journalism of the New Zealand nativesСеделева Наталья Юрьевна; Sedeleva Natalia
2018A journalist in the contemporary foreign pop culture: An image transformationКорыхалова Полина Руслановна; Korykhalova Polina
2018A journalist's image in modern television series of the United States and Great BritainПунпенг Чидпонг; Poonpeng Chidpong
2017Media in mobile applications: Distribution and monetisation of the contentХазиева Анастасия Вадимовна; Khazieva Anastasia
2016Memes as a new form of caricature: The experience of foreign mass mediaИванова Ольга Юрьевна; Ivanova Olga
2018Modern media landscape of the Republic of VietnamЛе Тхань Ван Ань; Le Thanh Van Anh
2017Musical press in the United States: Adaptation of new formats and technologiesГордиенко Наталья Александровна; Gordienko Natalia