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Результаты 11 по 30 из 30 < назад 
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Effective employment contracts in public healthcare institutionsПарпура Алена Игоревна; Parpura Alena
2023Efficacy of «Pushkin Card» ProjectКрасильникова Екатерина Андреевна; Krasilnikova Ekaterina Andreevna
2016Enchancement of theatre practice and production in the Russian FederationЛебедева Елизавета Сергеевна; Lebedeva Elizaveta
2017Government control of social and cultural integration of migrant workers in the Russian FederationГибаева Анастасия Александровна; Gibaeva Anastasiia
2016Implementation of the import substitution policy in Russia's agro-industryПлужникова Оксана Олеговна; Pluzhnikova Oksana
2023Improving Information Policy in the Field of Fertility Promotion in the Russian Federation, Using the Example of the "My.baby_app" ProjectЛеонтьева Елизавета Германовна; Leonteva Elizaveta Germanovna
2017Innovative development strategy for a healthcare organizationВепрева Юлия Андреевна; Vepreva Iuliia
2020Management of contributions for the non-working population to the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance FundСабаева Василиса Владиславовна; Sabaeva Vasilisa Vladislavovna
2023Monitoring of Regional Socio-Economic Processes: The Case of the Krasnodar RegionМарштупа Диана Александровна; Marstupa Diana Aleksandrovna
2017Place branding: A case study of TyumenАбдуллаева Сания Казбековна; Abdullaeva Saniia
2022Project Approach to the Territorial Development (the Case of the Novosibirsk Program of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship Development)Каплина Анастасия Евгеньевна; Kaplina Anastasia Evgenevna
2017Public participation in local government: A case study of the municipal town PeterhofКоролева Екатерина Алексеевна; Koroleva Ekaterina
2016Public-private partnership in the development of high performance sportsВолков Марк Алексеевич; Volkov Mark
2016Self-regulatory organisations in healthcareБезденежных Валерия Сергеевна; Bezdenezhnykh Valeria
2023Social Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence: Factors of Readiness to Apply for Assistance to Social Protection Organizations in the Russian FederationМищенко Дарья Владимировна; Misenko Dara Vladimirovna
2018The State Policy of the Fertility Stimulating in the Russian FederationЗеленская Светлана Константиновна; Zelenskaia Svetlana
2023State Regulation of the Sphere of Cybersport in the Russian Federation on the Case of St. PetersburgТкаченко Виктория Сергеевна; Tkacenko Viktoria Sergeevna
2023State Support of the Tourism Industry in the Russian FederationКолкунов Илья Александрович; Kolkunov Ila Aleksandrovic
2021Stimulating fitness activity as a factor in the formation of a healthy lifestyle among the students of Saint PetersburgГранина Анастасия Евгеньевна; Granina Anastasia Evgenevna
2023Tax Measures to Support Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Russia: The Case of Saint PetersburgОрдовская Кира; Ordovskaa Kira