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Результаты 14 по 33 из 35 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_IMG_0626.PNG.jpg2017Germany's membership in the United Nations Security Council: Challenges and prospectsДмитренко Екатерина Петровна; Dmitrenko Ekaterina
reviewSV_IMG_0613.PNG.jpg2017The impact of the colonial policy of France on the threat of terrorism in contemporary international relationsТимофеева Ирина Викторовна; Timofeeva Irina
2019The influence of Chinese media on the ideological education of the youthЯо Синь; Ao Sin
2020Innovations in the development of cinema in North American countries as a soft power tool in world politicsБабина Елизавета Павловна; Babina Elizaveta Pavlovna
reviewSV_IMG_0638.PNG.jpg2017Issues in German-Russian relations during Angela Merkel's chancellorship (2005–2017)Мушкет Мария Александровна; Mushket Mariia
2021Language as an instrument of soft power in world politics: A case study of the spread of the Spanish language in the USAСингатулина Анжелика Артуровна; Singatulina Anzelika Arturovna
reviewSV_IMG_0636.PNG.jpg2017The Olympic Movement in the countries of South and North America: Challenges and prospectsКислякова Мария Николаевна; Kisliakova Mariia
2020The outcomes and lessons of the Cold War in current Russian-American relationsАлександрова Елизавета Владиславовна; Aleksandrova Elizaveta Vladislavovna
2021The problems and prospects for Chinese investment projects in tropical AfricaЕрёменко Денис; Eremenko Denis
2018Prospects of participation of Russian students in cross-border education: A case study of Latin AmericaХилова Александра Александровна; Khilova Alexandra
2021The role of design as an instrument of soft power in shaping the foreign policy image of the Russian FederationЗвездина Ирина Павловна; Zvezdina Irina Pavlovna
reviewSV_IMG_0630.PNG.jpg2017The role of festivals in developing cultural cooperation between St. Petersburg and Scandinavian countriesБерчук Дмитрий Николаевич; Berchuk Dmitry
2020The role of projects of Russian oil and gas companies in implementing a Greater Eurasian Partnership concept in current world politicsИзмайлов Роман Михайлович; Izmajlov Roman Mihajlovic
2020The role of renewable energy of the Middle East in contemporary world politicsСидоренко Анна Витальевна; Sidorenko Anna Vitalevna
2021The role of the information factor in contemporary world politics through official accounts of American politicians on social mediaФилонова Елена Константиновна; Filonova Elena Konstantinovna
2018The role of think tanks in shaping the concept of global domination of the United States of America during the Trump administrationТарасова Мария Сергеевна; Tarasova Mariia
reviewSV_IMG_0624.PNG.jpg2017Russia's European discourse: Self–other relationsИванова Елена Владимировна; Ivanova Elena
2020Sanctions in the context of economic globalization: new challenges and threats to transnational corporationsМазлумян Давид Эдуардович; Mazluman David Eduardovic
reviewSV_IMG_0632.PNG.jpg2017Separatism in Europe: Challenges and prospects (evidence from Spain and the UK)Зозуля Анастасия Валерьевна; Zozulya Anastasia
2020The soft power tools in the foreign policy of contemporary RussiaАрдашкина Анастасия Игоревна; Ardaskina Anastasia Igorevna