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Результаты 4 по 23 из 27 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017The development strategy of Bonava in the market of St.PetersburgНовикова Екатерина Владимировна; Novikova Ekaterina
2023The Effects of Remote Working Experience on Work Engagement in Russian Professional Services FirmsАкчурина Ангелина; Akcurina Angelina
2023Ensuring Well-Being for the Employees of “Lenta” LLCОчковский Илья Павлович; Ockovskij Ila Pavlovic
2017Entry strategy of Dr.Niedermaier Pharma for the market of MoscowЧистяков Евгений Юрьевич; Chistyakov Evgeny
2017Entry strategy of Gloria Jeans for the Polish marketБасов Егор Сергеевич; Basov Egor
2022Entry Strategy of Russian Company “STOD” on Chinese MarketМишин Даниил Александрович; Misin Daniil Aleksandrovic
2021ESG factors impact on decisions of institutional investorsКоновалов Артем Олегович; Konovalov Artem Olegovic
2021Evaluation of reactiveness of regulative institutions on technologically innovative productsОвсянникова Мария Владимировна; Ovsannikova Maria Vladimirovna
2018Expanding Company "Sudar" Presence in the Markets of CISТоркомян Наира Вановна; Torkomian Naira
2018Expansion Strategy of “iLocked” Company into Foreign MarketsСоколова Елизавета Геннадьевна; Sokolova Elizaveta
2023Improving the Efficiency and Productivity of Production Processes at Graphic Packaging International Based on Domestic and Foreign ExperienceХрускин Артём Сергеевич; Hruskin Artem Sergeevic
2023Increasing Impersonal Trust of Employees Through E-Learning Practices (Evidence from Banks Operating in the Russian Labor Market)Подгорная Арина Романовна; Podgornaa Arina Romanovna
2020Integration of UN sustainable development goals into value chain of Uniqlo CompanyСпиридонова Анна; Spiridonova Anna
2021Levaraging human rights agenda in communication with stakeholders: evidence from the USAЯзе Савелий Владимирович; Aze Savelij Vladimirovic
2022Procurement Strategy of Grand Medical Company on the Chinese Market of Medical Equipment for Distribution in RussiaЕсмурат Даурен; Esmurat Dauren
2017The promotion strategy of recruitment as a new product of Eltoma Corporate Services into the market of St.PetersburgПетрова Анна Андреевна; Petrova Anna
2022Strategic Recommendation on International Expansion for JSC "Diakont"Мельников Пётр; Melnikov Petr
2018The Strategy of Entering “Groteks” Company to the Market of AzerbaijanСеверьянова Евгения Александровна; Severianova Evgeniia
2016Strategy of increasing attractiveness for foreign tourists of the hotel "New Peterhof"Беспалова Ирина Вячеславовна; Bespalova Irina
2023Strategy of JPN International for Entering Russian Used Cars MarketКоновалов Антон Александрович; Konovalov Anton Aleksandrovic