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Результаты 16 по 35 из 38 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022The Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on Women's Entrepreneurial Activity in Russia: the Evidence of GEM DataОксас Кира Арвидовна; Oksas Kira Arvidovna
2020The Impact of Institutional Factors on Female Entrepreneurship: Evidence from GEM DataМедушенко Алёна Юрьевна; Medusenko Alena Urevna
2021Impact of renewable energy M&A deals on stock returns of oil and gas companiesСвиридов Артем Евгеньевич; Sviridov Artem Evgenevic
2021The Impact of the Economic Freedom on Entrepreneurial Activity: Evidence from GEM DataРумянцев Валентин Андреевич; Rumancev Valentin Andreevic
2020The Impact of the Institutional Environment on Entrepreneurial Aspirations for Growth: Evidence from GEM DataЦыбенко Эдуард Артурович; Cybenko Eduard Arturovic
2020Impacts of country risks in cross-border M&A in the banking industryШершнева Варвара Алексеевна; Sersneva Varvara Alekseevna
2018The Influence of Institutional Environment on Internationalization of SMEs at Different Lifecycle StagesАстафьева Анастасия Дмитриевна; Astafeva Anastasiia
2017Influence of Institutional Environment on Opportunity-Motivated Entrepreneurs: Evidence From GEM DateКудевич Мария Алексеевна; Kudevich Maria
2020Influence of intellectual capital investment on the playing and financial performance of football clubs in the English Premiere LeagueДинкова Виктория Валентинова; Dinkova Viktoria Valentinova
2023Influence of Perceived Business Ecosystem Value on Intention to Use New E-Services: The Case of YandexВостриков Иван Александрович; Vostrikov Ivan Aleksandrovic
2018The Influence of the Institutional Environment on Adapting Strategies of International Companies in RussiaЖильцова Алена Николаевна; Zhiltsova Alyona
2018The Influence of the Institutional Environment on Youth Entrepreneurial ActivityЖивотов Павел Алексеевич; Zhivotov Pavel
2022International Franchisee’s Strategy on Adapting to Local Market: The Case of McDonald's & StarbucksМунаввар -; Munavvar
2021International market entry strategy for educational drone kit Pioneer Mini by GeoscanКоролева Полина Александровна; Koroleva Polina Aleksandrovna
2022Internationalization Strategies of Russian EdTech Companies: Barriers and OpportunitiesСеменников Антон Николаевич; Semennikov Anton Nikolaevic
2023New Foreign Market Entry Strategy for a Company DiakontКорухчян Мисак Володяевич; Koruhcan Misak Volodaevic
2020Organizational Capabilities of Companies Required for the Realization of IoT ProjectsНикулин Евгений Игоревич; Nikulin Evgenij Igorevic
2023Patterns of Integration and Cooperation by Russian SMEs in the Agricultural SectorТерехов Филипп Русланович; Terehov Filipp Ruslanovic
2022SME Portfolio Planning Methods in FMCG IndustryГолубев Василий Максимович; Golubev Vasilij Maksimovic
2021Strategic management adaptation to generation Z peculiarities: global trends and CIS specificitiesДжуманазарова Бегайым; Dzumanazarova Begajym