Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Алексеев Константин Александрович

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Результаты 3 по 21 из 21 < назад 
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Classification of modern Russian sports online mass mediaВажина Евгения Алексеевна; Vazhina Evgeniya
2017A comparison of the Third Reich with Germany's historical context of 1935–1938 in the "Chasovoy" magazineВоронов Всеволод Валентинович; Voronov Vsevolod
2018Development trends of illustrated sports magazines in Russia in 1990–2010: A case study of the OVERTIME magazineИгумнова Наталия Олеговна; Igumnova Nataliia
2018The doping issue in sport in television programmesКрупочкина Кристина Александровна; Krupochkina Kristina
2016Endurance sports in Russian sports journalismКукушкина Кристина Алексеевна; Kukushkina Kristina
2017The evolution of club sports media: A case study of the Football Club ZenitКовалев Филипп Юрьевич; Kovalev Filipp
2018Foreign mass media coverage of the preparation for the 21st FIFA World Football Cup in RussiaСаражакова Анна Семеновна; Sarazhakova Anna
reviewSV_Safronova_D_A__rec.jpg.jpg2017The formation of the "Red Machine" image of the USSR hockey national team and its renaissance in the 21st centuryСофронова Дарья Александровна; Sofronova Daria
2017Formation of the television sports reportage in the USSR in the 1950s–1960: The problem of genre adaptationЩербаков Никита Станиславович; Shcherbakov Nikita
2017The history of the Chempionat.Com internet portal development in the context of the emerging Internet sports journalism in RussiaТубольцева Дарья Александровна; Tuboltseva Daria
2018The image of the Soviet Russia in the migrants’ newspaper RulВафина Луиза Айдаровна; Vafina Luiza
2018The influence of financial elites on the formation of the independent press in Russia from 1991 to 2000Калашников Илья Евгеньевич; Kalashnikov Ilia
2018The issues of the local self-government in journalism from 1881 to 1889: Case studies of The Vestnik Evropy, Grazhdanin and Zemstvo publicationsМихайлова Юлиана Сергеевна; Mikhailova Iuliana
2018Journalistic and editorial activity of Lev FilatovКудинов Антон Андреевич; Kudinov Anton
2018Post-war film journalism in the USSRКандинская Марья Алексеевна; Kandinskaya Marya
2017The Red Army press as a historical source: A case study of division newspapers of the Karelian Front from 1941 to 1944Полудина Дарья Дмитриевна; Poludina Daria
2018Russian sports press transformation during social and political reforms in 1917-1924Алексашин Олег Игоревич; Aliaksashyn Aleh
2016Sports journalism during the Great Patriotic WarВасильева Светлана Вилаятовна; Vasileva Svetlana
2016Transformation of the Russian sports magazines during the First World WarАлексашин Олег Игоревич; Aliaksashyn Aleh