RESPONSE of the research supervisor – the associate professor of teleradio journalism of "The Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications" Institute of St.Petersburg State University, Candidate of Philology Yury Vladimirovich Klyuev about final qualification work Svetlana Sergeyevna Kurnosova "Political debate on television (on materials of federal channels)" I came to S. S. Kurnosov's faculty with a certain knowledge base as graduated from the First St. Petersburg school of television and advertizing as a TV reporter – the TV host. In 2010 I practiced on Russia 2 TV channel in the All inclusive program. With a film crew I went to famous athletes and I interviewed them about life out of sport. The first practice from St.Petersburg State University was in the Petrovsky Okrug newspaper. I prepared notes and reportings. One of big reportings was devoted to the House of veterans of a scene on the Petrovsky island. The house was closed on repair and all veterans of a scene were moved in boarding house in Komarovo. Svetlana went to Komarovo to learn how veterans on a new place, about their moods as people at advanced age sensitively treat changes and moving settled. Deepening in the specified social subject appeared remarkable to make for the student because in half a year she was invited the photo report about the course of repair of the House on the Petrovsky island. It was offered to cooperate with Management on construction and reconstruction of objects in St. Petersburg and Northwest federal district. Photofixing of process of reconstruction and delivery of object was necessary. Following the results of end of the project Svetlana Kurnosova prepared the photomovie about stages of repair of the House of veterans of a scene on the Petrovsky island prepared for the Union of theatrical figures of Russia (chairman A. A. Kalyagin) and Presidential Property Management Departments of the Russian Federation (V. I. Kozhin managing affairs). Professional practicians I took place on Road Radio radio station and in the Today program on NTV television channel. I prepared messages on press conferences. I participated in the project of radio station on which worked together with the editor according to the sponsor's program of the company the Body 2. I participated in creation of a broadcast "Travel with pleasure" in a radio quiz format. Now S. S. Kurnosova works as the senior managing director and the chief promotions officer of a network of coffee houses. Uses professional skills on advance of coffee houses and SMM technology. Conducts groups on social networks, cooperates with theaters, the museums, organizers of large actions in St. Petersburg. In general it is possible to note that the author it is interested I worked on VKR. Work turned out informal, bright, interesting, with use of publicistic journalistic approach that, nevertheless, doesn't reduce the importance of the conducted research as it can draw attention of the subsequent researchers of the presented subject. Final qualification work of Svetlana Sergeyevna Kurnosova "Political debate on television (on materials of federal channels)" took place. The text in general conforms to qualifying standards and deserves a positive assessment. The research supervisor – associate professor of teleradio journalism Institute "The higher school of journalism and mass communications" St.Petersburg State University, Candidate of Philology Klyuev Yu. V. May 22, 2017