For final qualification work Zeleninoy Elizaveta Andreevna "The image of a woman in men's magazines" The relevance of the stated subject is due to a significant increase in the public interest in gender issues, and in particular, to the issue of the representation of women in modern editions for men. There is a need to comprehensively study this issue and give an appropriate assessment of the stereotyped and ambiguous image of a woman that has developed in men's glossy periodicals. The work presented to the defense is an example of a successful attempt to contribute to the solution of this problem. In the first chapter in detail, at a decent theoretical level, the phenomenon of the men's glossy magazine has been studied: the main stages in the development and development of male publications, their features, and the pressing issue of the expansion of international magazine brands are touched upon. In the second chapter, the specificity of the female image in leading domestic magazines for men is examined: an analysis of the speech tools for creating the image of a woman is presented, representations of representation are presented, the main types of female images are revealed. This part of the study is of practical importance from the point of view of the examples of gender discrimination in text and illustrative content cited therein. The conclusions and recommendations made by the author in the Conclusion seem reasonable. In particular, one can agree with Elizaveta Andreevna's statement that in male glossy magazines "sexual objectification prevails over an adequate representation of a woman. It entails the denormalization of the female body, the selection of heroines of a certain type of appearance, the infantilization of women and other negative consequences. " The work is based on a solid theoretical foundation, a wide range of literature on this problem has been used, the practical part is saturated with empirical material (more than 30 publications have been reviewed). It is felt that the author is well versed in the issue under investigation, while showing sincere interest and enthusiasm. The undoubted merit of the work is a well-adjusted scientific style of presentation, a logical presentation of the material. The structure of the work corresponds to the internal logic of the solution of the question, the content of the material being analyzed. At the same time, the following shortcomings were identified during the review process. 1. The work is tightened (86 pages), resembling the master's thesis by volume. 2. The aim of the research ("Identifying gender discrimination in men's publications, developing proposals for increasing the level of tolerance in the media"), which does not correspond to the theme of WRC ("The image of a woman in men's magazines") is not quite correctly formulated. Exciting author of the problem of gender discrimination should be openly stated in the title of the diploma essay. 3. The controversy of some statements. So, on the 20th page, the author writes that for men's publications, lexical features are characteristic, such as neologisms, anglicisms, elements of colloquial speech. However, literally the same can be said for all the glossy periodicals. Elsewhere, it is argued that "we" and its variations are characteristic of the male press. This method of language demagogy has a manipulative effect: an indefinitely impersonal exposition transforms the author's thought into a generally accepted truth "(p. 40). To the author's note: this "indefinite-impersonal exposition" is used not only by male demagogues, but also by female researchers, when, for example, they write a diploma essay. On the 33rd page, you can read that in the USSR the themes of beauty, physical perfection, corporeality were hushed up. From what sources this information is taken is not clear. As a person who has caught the Soviet era, I can attest: with beauty, physical perfection and bodilyity everything was in order. It is also difficult to agree with the statement on page 36: "It should be noted that in Russia the discussions about feminism and gender equality are at the initial stage of development". As far as is known, feminism was freely and openly spoken back in the 1980s, and the problem of gender equality was finally and irrevocably resolved right after the 1917 revolution. 4. In the order of polemics, let me dwell on one more point. Judging by a number of statements, Elizaveta Andreevna actually puts an equal sign between gender discrimination and traditional ideas about the role of men and women. One can agree with the author's accusations against male glossy magazines, which often show disrespectful, vulgar and vulgar attitudes toward women, but it is hardly right not to distinguish between gender discrimination and traditional gender representations that Elizabeth Andreevna associates with the patriarchal way, as if today Ruling in Russia. First, it may be recalled that the classical patriarchal society (patriarchy), which replaced the matriarchal (matriarchy), according to the generally accepted point of view, arose during the period of the decomposition of the primitive communal system and the formation of early states, and declined to the beginning of our era, after the marriage was resolved without The power of the husband (sine manu) and emancipation - the release of children from under the parental authority. Since then, the social and legal relations between men and women have become much more complicated and mutated. The individual elements of the patriarchate that have survived to this day, as well as the matriarchy, have a different content and fulfill a different function. Secondly, traditional gender notions, albeit far from perfect, are either bad or good, but until now have provided the possibility of reproduction of the human race. On the other hand, the sad experience of the most advanced European countries suggests that the active promotion of non-traditional gender attitudes leads to destructive alienation between a man and a woman, the disintegration of the institution of the family, and - as a natural ending - the self-sufficiency of the population (the publicist is very lucid and convincing about all this Victor Marakhovsky in the article "Nicht Kinder, nicht kyuchen, nicht kirchen"). The referee is quite understandable about Elizabeth Andreevna's current enthusiasm for feminist ideology, which denies everything traditional in favor of everything unconventional. Still, it is necessary to seriously consider the following question: is it worthwhile to go on about the radical minded people ready for the sake of the triumph of their utopian beliefs to once again remake humanity and put it on the brink of disaster? The above remarks are not of a fundamental nature and do not affect the general favorable impression of the work. Presented to the defense of the thesis of EA Zelenina is an independent, original work devoted to the current topic. The study meets the requirements for the compositions of this qualification, and fully deserves a positive evaluation. Art. teacher I.V. Kolodyazhny