Response of the research supervisor final qualification work Tretyakova Elena Vasilyevna "Stylistically the lowered lexicon in materials of press conferences of the Russian politicians" In the course of training in the Journalism direction Elena Vasilyevna Tretyakova's interests have been in one way or another connected with a question of expressiveness (for example, the term paper on stylistics has been devoted to functioning of a metaphor in media). Practical training in the printing edition (Piskaryovka newspaper) and on "the 5th channel" have created understanding that the journalism can be rather closely bound with public relations at Elena Vasilyevna, and implementation of communication with audience has to be qualitative – including, and in the speech relation. Interaction with audience in political communication also attracted and attracts Elena Vasilyevna, as has caused the choice of the subject of her final research marked above. During work on VKR Elena Vasilyevna has shown ability tensely and fruitfully to work in the conditions of a stressful situation (the long illness has taken away strategically important time in the middle of a final year), and also rather qualitatively to restore information lost because of technical malfunctions. Undoubtedly, these skills, as well as ability to work independently, listening, however, to opinion of the research supervisor, will positively affect further professional destiny of Elena Vasilyevna what path she for herself would choose. The research supervisor would also like to wish to Elena Vasilyevna to find the increasing confidence in the forces (for this purpose there are good prospects), without losing, however, that general cheeful relation to the taking place events which is inherent in her. The analysis of the text of VKR of Elena Vasilyevna Tretyakova in the Blackboard system has shown 13% of coincidence, however it is impossible to recognize them as illegal loans as quotation material is issued by rules, and surnames, names of scientific works, separate phrases and words (mainly it is about terminology), and also the title page can't be considered as violation of research ethics. May "31", 2017. Senior lecturer of department of speech communication of St.Petersburg State University Alexander Alexandrovich Malyshev