Justification of the topic choice. Accuracy in defining the aim and objectives of the thesis. The topic of the thesis is quite important due to the (1) close practical connections between branding and CSR and (2) current theoretical debate. The objective of this research was to develop a conceptual framework that would allow to integrate corporate branding with corporate social performance. The topic as such looks original and is in line with the hot theoretical debate. In general the topic is covered by the presented research. The aim and objectives are related to the topic. Structure and logic of the text flow. The research is conducted in a logical manner. The results and conclusions are directly followed from the study. The theoretical and empirical parts are in good balance. Quality of analytical approach and quality of offered solution to the research objectives. The coverage of objectives is adequate. The research problem is formulated clearly. The main current trends of these theoretical sources are analysed and applied to the research. Quality of data gathering and description. The research tools and methods are selected properly. The very research is based on the design science research methodology. The thesis provides an improved methodology that is mainly based on the evolutionary nature of artifact. Thus, this work can be used as a reference material on how to use design science research.The selected data validity is quite adequate. The list of references is complete for the particular thesis. Following design science research, a multilevel artifact named Strategic Corporate Responsible Branding was constructed. Scientific aspect of the thesis. The way of scientific thinking is independent. Following design science research, a multilevel artifact named Strategic Corporate Responsible Branding was constructed. Practical/applied nature of research. The theoretical background is directly related to the international and Russian practices. The results are just and can be shared for theoretical as well as practical purposes. Quality of thesis layout. The main Regulations for the master thesis preparation are fulfilled. The tables, figures, and references are presenter correctly. Originality of the text. The thesis text is original and does not contain elements of plagiarism. The Master thesis of Stanislav Tikhomirov meets the requirements for master thesis of Master in Management (General track) program thus the author of the thesis can be awarded the required degree. Date: 08.10.2017 Scientific Advisor: Yury E.Blagov Dr., Associate professor Department of International and Strategic Management, GSOM SPbU