The relevance of the research topic is justified by the development of potentially dangerous technologies, increasing the social and personal responsibility of each employee for the results and safety of work. The final qualification work contains all the necessary elements: introduction, table of contents, theoretical and methodological parts, description of research results, discussion, conclusions, conclusion, list of used literature, annexes, summaries of work in Russian and foreign languages. Methods of research, data collection procedures and their mathematical processing, the results of the research and conclusions are consistent with the goals and objectives of the study. The research topic is consistently disclosed, the goal, the task, the subject, the object and the hypothesis of the research are presented in a competent scientific language. The miraculous and mathematical methods are justified. Substantive generalizations are given, psychological knowledge is systematized on the studied problems, and a description of one's own position is given. The argumentation and validity of the conclusions reflects the results obtained. The imperfection of the qualification work is the conciseness of the results. The criteria for sampling the study are not presented. The characteristics of the participants in the study do not include their professional experience. Comments do not reduce the value of the work, given the complexity of the topic and the difficulty of obtaining data in the workplace. The work meets the requirements for registration. Graduation qualification work Nabatova AB has elements of novelty, practical value, meets the requirements for final qualifying works, and can be evaluated to "excellent".