GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL STATE BUDGET EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION ST PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ARTS Department of Information Systems in Arts and Humanities REFERENCE Scientific supervisor for final qualification work   Kudryashov Artem Igorevich "Multimedia technology when creating a documentary film "Alexander Alexandrovich Foreigners. Scientific Biography »». Student 4 course Kudryashov Artem Igorevich Head of the Senior Lecturer Nikitina Lyudmila Leonidovna         The genre of documentary films - biographies is quite common in cinematography and on television. But a special and rare phenomenon, a documentary scientific biography.          Graduate Kudryashov AI Set a difficult task for himself not only to tell about the life of Alexander Aleksandrovich Foreigner, who worked at the St. Petersburg University in the late 19th century, but also to give an idea of ​​his contribution to the science of geology. Artem Igorevich collected, studied and systematized all the information about the hero of the film. Having mastered the basics of scenario skills, Kudryashov AI Wrote the script of the film.          Multimedia technologies, studied by Kudryashov AI, and creative abilities allowed to tell in the documentary about Professor Foreigner is rich and interesting. Artem Igorevich collected unique iconographic and scientific material, built an iconic series, wrote a narrative text.        Kudryashov AI Created a film image carefully, processed rare, in poor quality, documentary photos, giving them clarity, dynamics and, often, created dynamic collages. Film "Alexander Aleksandrovich Foreigners. Scientific Biography »», indicates that the graduate fulfilled the task at a high creative level.        The text of the final qualifying work reflects the work performed by the author in the logical structure: introduction, 5 chapters, conclusion and list of used literature. The first chapter presents the development of the concept of a documentary film "Alexander Aleksandrovich Foreigners. Scientific Biography ", in the second and third - the search for materials about the scientist and the writing of the script. In the fourth chapter, the author tells in detail about the multimedia technologies used in the film, the fifth chapter details the complexity of the stages of creating a film at the postproduction stage.       A DVD is prepared and correctly designed for viewing.        The shortcomings of the work can be attributed to the lack of materials associated with the creation of the design of the disc.        The diploma of Kudryashov Artem Igorevich deserves a positive assessment of the state attestation commission. It is necessary to note a special internal discipline and responsibility, persistence in achieving the set goal of the author, who, of course, has creative and organizational abilities. Signature_________________________________ "24" May 2017