ОТЗЫВ РУКОВОДИТЕЛЯ на выпускную квалификационную работу бакалавра дизайна студента кафедры “Дизайн” Банникова Ильи Андреевича Тема работы: «Разработка медиа-графической визуальной идентификации международного фестиваля экспериментального кино» Руководитель: Азарян Вероника Александровна Diploma project "Integrated media graphic visual identification of an experimental film festival" has been made completely by Ilya Bannikov on established time. The project includes the development of a series of printed and animated posters, admission tickets, advertising banners, badges, flyers. Inspired by the ideas of experimental cinematography in London, the first Moscow International Festival of Experimental Films has been appeared. Since every year there will be a completely different conceptual event, it needs an annual update of the graphic support. Ilya has analyzed a lot of analogues, structuring them by time and style. But in his own work he has chosen a way completely different from the traditional. Each poster is one of eight semiotic methods used in the cinema, such as the semantic load, color, perspective and volume, auditory information, structure, black and white image, composition, montage. Ilya works great with color, composition and typography. Ilya is a very diligent and responsible person. Working on the project, he has made decisions by himself, he has used design-project development rules, and also, has shown an excellent possession of all the necessary graphic programs. Ilya is a creative author. Научный руководитель: Азарян Вероника Александровна 30 мая 2017