Feedback of the scientific advisor on the graduation work “Eduard Ivanovich Totleben and his role in the development of military engineering in Russia” by Sergei Kurochkin, the 4-th course full-time tuition student in the field of study 030600 – History , educational program of baccalaureate History, “National history” profile. Sergei Kurochkin’s graduation work is devoted to Eduard Ivanovich Totleben. He was a famous military engineer and his name was inseparably linked both with defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean war and later the Russian-Turkish war of 1877–1878. On the monument to Eduard Totleben in the fraternal cemetery in Sevastopol, where he bequeathed to bury himself, the schemes of fortifications of Sebastopol and Plevna are pictured. Totleben defended Sebastopol and participated in the siege of Plevna. His exact role in the development of military engineering science is still an object of research and discussions. So the topic chosen by Kurochkin Sergei is actual and relevant. It is confirmed by his participation with a report in annual conference organized by the Military-historical Museum of artillery, military engineering and Signal corps. During the whole time of education Kurochkin Sergei showed himself as a conscientious and thoughtful researcher who can put a problem and successfully solve it. He not only familiarized with the published historical sources and historical literature but also gained experience to search for and analyze the documents from the funds of the Department of manuscripts of the Russian National Library and the Military-historical Museum of artillery military engineering and Signal corps. The assigned goals and objectives were successfully reached. The Graduate familiarized not only with biographical materials but also with special military engineering literature which allowed him to solve the assigned tasks. During the time of studying of this problematic Sergei Kurochkin showed an ability to scientific research, compilation of information and its critical analysis. This proves his skills of a mature historian capable of continuing his education at the next level. The presented work written by Sergei Kurochkin meets the requirements of the graduation work of baccalaureate of Institute of History of Saint-Petersburg University and can be admitted to the protection. doctor of historical Science professor of the National history department Of Institute of History of SPbSU Leonid Vladimirovich Viskochkov