FEDERAL STATE BUDGET EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION ST.PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY Faculty of Arts Department of Information Systems in Arts and Humanities REFERENCE For the final qualification work Student __ IV ______ of the course ___ Bulavina Tatyana Nikolaevna ______ (Full Name) Head ____________ Art. Teacher Elena V. Lodgacheva (Position, surname, name, patronymic) Theme of the final qualifying work "" Fairy-tale stories. " A series of three-dimensional characters for an animated video clip ยป Content. The content of this work is the analysis and application in practice of the principles and modern technologies for creating three-dimensional models of characters, prepared for further animation. 3D sculpting, modeling and texturing of a series of three-dimensional characters were done, preparation of these models for animation, visualization. The series consists of the following characters: Little Red Riding Hood, Wolf, Lumberjack, Nyhl, Dobby's House Elf. In the process of working we used programs for working with three-dimensional graphics ZBrush 4R7, 3ds Max 2016, 3D-Coat DX64C, Marvelous Designer 3, Autodesk Maya 2017, xNormal 3.19, Substance Painter 2, Marmoset Toolbag 3, image processing editor Adobe Photoshop CS6. Particular attention was paid to the principles and techniques of retopology. As a result, a series of highly detailed three-dimensional characters was created, fully prepared for the subsequent animation. It was mastered, used in the process of work and described in the theoretical part of a large number of modern applications for creating characters, and also analyzed the process of creating characters for computer games and animated films, which is used in professional studios. From the visualized images and video clips of the animation, the final presentation video was installed in Adobe After Effects CS6. Practical significance. The practical importance of this work is justified in the need of fast-growing animation industries and game development in new competent specialists who possess such theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Disadvantages. The shortcomings include a narrow specialization, which Tatyana preferred (lack of author's animation), however, this can be attributed to the merits of the work. Evaluation. Tatiana Nikolaevna Bulavina's work meets all the requirements for final qualification works in the field of Applied Informatics (within the framework of the basic educational program for bachelors' training "Applied Informatics in Arts and Humanities"), and deserves high praise. Signature __________________ E.V. Lodgacheva