REVIEW For the final qualifying work of the student of SPbSU Savenko Alexander Mikhailovich On the topic: "Community of private traders: socio-economic analysis" • correspondence of the contents of the FQW to the title of the topic The content of the FQW corresponds to the theme stated in the title. • completeness of disclosure of the title declared in the title The topic stated in the title in the content of the FQW is adequately covered. Comments on this item are reviewed below when analyzing the negative aspects of FQW. • the existence of a structure of stimulated matter The structure of FQW is justified by the research tasks. Comments on this item are reviewed below when analyzing the negative aspects of FQW. • reflection of topical problems of a theoretical and practical nature The theoretical significance of the research is to develop a sociological methodology for the study of the community of traders. Practical significance is determined by the obtained data on the features of the functioning of this community. The results can be useful for Russian citizens planning to engage in trading, as well as the state regulator of the financial market. • the use of modern literature and the achievements of science and practice The text of the FQW emphasizes the practical side of the activity of the community of traders. Remarks on the theoretical part of this section of the review are presented below when analyzing the negative aspects of FQW. • availability of detailed justification of the conclusions The text of the FQW contains a detailed justification for the conclusions. • Accessibility to readers in terms of language, style, material layout, visualization of tables, diagrams, drawings, formulas, etc. The content of the FQW is outlined in the language and in a style that is sufficiently accessible to readers with higher education. Comments on this item are reviewed below when analyzing the negative aspects of FQW. • Positive and negative aspects of FQW Among the merits of the work can be attributed to the use as a theoretical and methodological basis for the study of the concept of post-social relations in financial markets K. Knorr-Cetina, the ethnographic approach of M. Abolafii, the actor-network theory of B. Latura. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the analysis of the category of private traders' community, which logically joins the sociology of finance. Practical significance consists in obtaining applied knowledge about the mechanism of formation and functioning of a community of private traders, their interactions and perceptions of work. The shortcomings of the reviewed work, in our opinion, are the following: - When considering the community of traders it is logical to assume the construction and visualization of networks of their interrelations. In point 2.3, the author limited himself to a review of the actor-network theory without any illustrations of the networks. We mean, for example, a methodology based on terminal and instrumental goals - values using network analysis. However, this research line was not elaborated in detail. The same can be said about the risk that invariably accompanies the processes of trading in the financial market. - In the "Basic questions for interviewing experts" (Appendix N2), the emphasis is on private aspects of financial activity. For example, the sociological meaning of the type of questions is completely incomprehensible: "What parameters should be to enter the transaction?". At the same time, insufficient attention is paid to obtaining sociological information about the "community of traders". A similar remark can be attributed to paragraph 3.2, where the first half of the research objective is formulated as "conducting interviews on the relationship of traders to the US securities market." In our opinion, when opening the topic, more attention should be paid to such issues as informal relations, trust, norms and values in the community of traders. - Usually chapter 1 of the FQW contains a description of the sociological theoretical and methodological foundations of the study. In the peer-reviewed work, this is done in the second chapter, whereas in the first one the features of the trader's profession are described in detail and the characteristics of the various constituent groups of the trader are given. In general, it is desirable to clearly formulate the intermediate results obtained in these chapters. - P 3.1 ("Investigations of the first group of inexperienced traders in the office of private traders") is based on the data of the included observation, to which there is no necessary detailed description, for example, in the form of a diary of observations. The presented portrait of "novice traders" contributes to the disclosure of the topic of FQW, but only one of the sides of the characteristics of a group of traders as a "community". - One of the objectives of the study in paragraph 3.2 was to "Identify the structure of a particular community of private traders, the connections within it, and the presence or absence of a hierarchy." It is unclear whether 4 interviews enough for this have been done by the author. It is desirable to give a more detailed description of the results of the analysis pertaining to this task. It is also possible that the thesis of one of the respondents should be developed that "Students came through communication in social networks and chats, the transition occurred at a time when experience and skills hampered the growth of new knowledge and there was a need to share them." - Formulations like "try on the profession of a trader" in the "Objectives of this method," "Feeling yourself a member of the group with routine behavior and subsequent reflection" in "Tasks", "In the first week, the study was focused exclusively on theory" (all quotes from 3.1) sound unscientific and require more careful editing by the author. The wording of the conclusions in the Conclusion is blurred. - The absolute majority of foreign primary sources used in the FQW by the date of publication were published earlier in 2005 (25 out of 27). Foreign subscriptions of SPbSU give an opportunity to take more fully into account foreign theoretical and practical experience on the topic of FQW. - In clause 3.1, the table (apparently related to the Research Program) and the drawing do not have names and numbers. • Other distinctive features of WRC at the discretion of the reviewer FQW AM Savenko is a complete independent research. In it the author formulated the problem of sociological comprehension of the activity of the community of private traders. The problem was studied theoretically and using the data of the included observation and interviews conducted by the author. Alexander Mikhailovich Savenko's FQW on the topic "Community of private traders: socio-economic analysis" meets the requirements of St. Petersburg State University for final qualification works, deserves a positive evaluation (based on the results of the defense), and its author is Savenko AM. It is worthy of awarding a bachelor's degree in the direction of 39.03.01 "Sociology". Reviewer: Associate Professor of Social Management Department And planning, Ph.D. S.V. Rasskazov "6" June 2017