The culture of India is one of the most ancient cultures in the world. Even at the origin of Indian civilization, the institution of collecting began to form at its territory. The museum as social institution was not born by Indians independently, but arose from the activities of the British colonial administration. From the middle of 20th century independent India uses in its museum work the modern museological achievements and pays much attention to international cooperation within such organizations as the International Council of Museums and the BRICS Association. The questions related to the museum work in India in russian and foreign museological literature are not adequately studied. The generalizing work, devoted to on the aspects of museum work in India does not exist. For this reason, the theme chosen by Vesyolova S.A. as the theme of the final qualifying work is very relevant. The work is based on a massive source base, which includes documents from the UN, UNESCO, BRICS, ICOM and the Museum Association of India (MAI). The materials of scientific seminars and conferences held by ICOM are also used in the study. Another source was the information obtained from the official web-sites of Indian museums. The work is based on modern museum literature. Significant part of the sources and literature, used in this work are written in English. This fact makes the work of Vesyolova S.A. more complicated. However, the student successfully coped with this task. The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion. The structure of the introduction testifies that Vesyolova S.A. possesses the methodical knowledge for the preparation of this part. In the first chapter Sophia Antonovna offers and substantiates the periodization of the development of museum work in India, and also gives a detailed description of the selected stages. The main focus of the work was the analysis of the modern stage of museum development in India (mid 20 - early 21st centuries). The main attention is payed to almost unexplored aspects such as the preservation of the national heritage, the activities of museum organizations and the Russian-Indian cultural cooperation within the BRICS. The logic of the narrative and conclusions can be considered quite justified. The content of the final qualifying work is consistent with the stated topic. The material presented for review was prepared at a high level, Veselova S.A. Successfully demonstrates the skills of fulfilling the main methodological requirements for preparation of final qualification works. The presented study deserves an excellent mark and getting by Veselova Sofya Antonovna the required qualification.