¬ОТЗЫВ РУКОВОДИТЕЛЯ на выпускную квалификационную работу бакалавра дизайна студента кафедры “Дизайн” Ковалевой Екатерины Владимировны Тема работы: «Разработка серии рекламных плакатов по кинезиотейпированию» Руководитель: Азарян Вероника Александровна Diploma project "Designing a series of posters for kinesio taping" has been made completely by Kovaleva Ekaterina on established time. The project includes advertising posters, flyers, art-brochures and the lookbook. Nowadays, healthy body culture and self-development are actively promoted. Sport style is a trend, combined with everyday clothes, reflecting the dynamics of modern life. This trend is seen in the advertising companies of sports products as well as in daily life. Therefore, kinesiotherapy is a suitable method for self-improving, gaining harmony and a healthy body. The main idea of the project is to demonstrate kinesiotherapy as an effective treatment to transform and cure a body. Tape on skin becomes a kind of a decoration, as an element of clothing, extension of the body and a part of the look. Due to this approach, a user can feel involved in the fashion industry and use kinesiotapes in everyday life, improving their health and identifying themselves in the society, as one who leads a healthy lifestyle. The aim of Ekaterine's project is to esthetize kinesiotherapy, popularize the possibilities and methods of the process by the series of advertising posters. In addition, it is important to note that Ekaterina focuses on the graphic potential of kinesioteip. This plastic, bright, textured material is suitable for creating abstract compositions in the format of printed products. She represents the possibility of developing kinesiotapes in the field of art. The concept of the diploma project is to show the relationship between functionality and aesthetics. Ekaterine has analyzed a lot of analogues. Author's photography is the main method to realize the idea. Through this approach, it is possible to implement the plasticity and naturalness, graphics and aesthetics of kinesiotherapy. Posters based on fashion photography externalize the immediacy of using kinesiotapes on the human body, create a mood, use the graphics of various methods of taping on the models. A tapped person becomes an object placed in a typographic environment, which forms a solid laconic image in a poster. Ekaterina works great with color, composition and typography. She is a very diligent and responsible person. Working on the project, she has made decisions by herself, she has used design-project development rules, and also, has shown an excellent possession of all the necessary graphic programs, studio equipment in the process of shooting, choice of models, their images and production of the light. Ekaterina is a creative author. Научный руководитель: Азарян Вероника Александровна 30 мая 2017