GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL STATE BUDGET EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION ST PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ARTS Department of Information Systems in Arts and Humanities REFERENCE Scientific supervisor for the final work of Nosova Marina Igorevna "Creation of a multimedia educational-methodical film "Introduction to the sculptural portrait. Anatomy of the skull. "       Fourth-year students of Nosova Marina Igorevny       Head of the Senior Lecturer Nikitina Lyudmila Leonidovna       Theme of the final qualifying work "Creation of multimedia educational-methodical film" Introduction to the sculptural portrait. Anatomy of the skull. " In cinema and on television, the genre of educational films is one of the oldest, but, Nevertheless, in demand, and today. It should be specially noted that in the present Moment dramatically decreased the number of educational and methodical films in the country, lost creative and practical skills in the cinematographic environment, closed the studio. Television and the Internet, in an attempt to fill this gap, offers a few works that lack the principles of the teaching methodology. With the advent of digital multimedia technologies, a modern educational film received a new development in terms of expressive means, which gave impetus to new forms of the genre. Graduate Nosova Maria Igorevna, delivered and fulfilled the task of searching for new Forms and techniques in creating a cycle of educational and methodical films on the topic "Introduction to the sculptural portrait" of the author's methodological development of Alexander Spiridonov, the head of the Sculpt art studio.     The graduate could go on the classical form of the educational genre in the cinema, but Marina Igorevna decided to present the master class of Alexander Spiridonov as a teaching aid with the help of virtual reality technologies.       Nosova M.I. Not only acquainted with the author's development of the course, but also went through a full cycle of training. Creating a film, Nosova M.I. Studied numerous types of educational cinematography, the basis of the methodology of the educational genre in the cinema, the psychological laws of perception of the visual visual product.         The graduate prepared and conducted shooting from several cameras, mastered the animation technologies, 2D and 3D and applied them to the master class shot by Spiridonov. She recorded the voice-over text, carried out a complex erection and toning period, creating an iconic series of the film. As a result, an educational-methodical film "Introduction to the sculptural portrait was created. Anatomy of the skull. "       Nosova Maria Igorevna coped with the task set before her.       The text of the final qualifying work reflects the work performed by the author in the logical structure: introduction, 5 chapters, conclusion and list of used literature. The first chapter presents the development of the concept of the educational and methodical film "Introduction to the sculptural portrait. Anatomy of the skull ", in the second and third - the specifics of the preparation and shooting of the educational film. In the fourth chapter the author gives a detailed account of the technology for creating 2D and 3D graphics and their overlap with the video, in the fifth chapter the complexity of working with a phonogram combining synchronous sound and offscreen text is described in detail. A DVD is prepared and correctly designed for viewing.     The shortcomings of the work can be attributed to the lack of materials associated with the creation of the design of the disc.    These shortcomings do not detract from the merits of the work, which is a complete study of the selected topic and the creation of a multimedia educational and methodical film "Introduction to the sculptural portrait. Anatomy of the skull. " The diploma deserves a positive assessment of the state attestation commission. It should be noted that the author showed perseverance and creative approach to the solution of the task assigned to her and demonstrated the professional creative and technological level of mastery.    Signature_________________________________ "24" May 2017