Review of PhD Associate Professor T. Dobrova Concerning Final Qualification Work by Zhao Minghui Colour Synesthesia in Chinese and English Scientific Supervisor PhD, Associate Professor E.Timofeeva The reported work is devoted to synesthesia in English and Chinese. The goal of the thesis is to analyze the connection of the sound of a number of phraseological units with their color component and senses. To achieve this goal the work solves following tasks: • to analyze the concept of synesthesia, sound-symbolism on scientific sources; • to define the concept of "colour" and its place in the culture; • to define the concept of phraseological units; • to analyze English and Chinese idioms containing the names of colours and shades; The material of the study consists of 124 English, 44 Chinese colour idioms. The structure of the work in general meets the goal. The first Chapter is devoted to analytical review of the literature on the problem. Special attention is paid to the concepts of "synesthesia", “sound-symbolism” and "color" and their places in the culture of the nation; the concept of phraseological units. The author comes to the conclusion that not only those words are sound symbolic which are felt as such by modern speakers, but also those in which this relationship during the development of the language was weakened, but which can be identified using phonosematic analysis. Here you can find detailed description of synesthesia in the Chinese language. The second Chapter is devoted to the analysis of English colour idioms. The author comes to the conclusion that sound-symbolism is international in its nature. The author provides an interesting, fairly complete collection of synesthesia examples in the English and Chinese language systems. The Conclusion outlines the main results and draws General conclusions of the study. While reading the reviewer had the following comments and questions: Comments: 1. Chinese synesthesia is discussed in the first Chapter, it seems more logical to consider it together with the English in the second Chapter. 2. Although there are elements of a comparative analysis of the Chinese and English systems in the text of the work, these results are not reflected in the conclusions . Questions: 1. Page 16. You say that "the peculiarities of each ethnic culture embodied in the color preferences makes it possible to speak about the color gaps and, accordingly, about color commons". Provide some examples of such commons. In addition, there are some problems of the work design. The work contains some syntax errors and formatting errors. All the concerns expressed above in general do not detract from the value of the work. The work submitted for review meets the requirements for final qualification paper, and deserves a positive assessment. PhD, associate professor T. Dobrova 10.06.2017 Review of PhD Associate Professor T. Dobrova Concerning Final Qualification Work by Zhao Minghui Colour Synesthesia in Chinese and English Scientific Supervisor PhD, Associate Professor E.Timofeeva The reported work is devoted to synesthesia in English and Chinese. The goal of the thesis is to analyze the connection of the sound of a number of phraseological units with their color component and senses. To achieve this goal the work solves following tasks: to analyze the concept of synesthesia, sound-symbolism on scientific sources; to define the concept of "colour" and its place in the culture; to define the concept of phraseological units; to analyze English and Chinese idioms containing the names of colours and shades; The material of the study consists of 124 English, 44 Chinese colour idioms. The structure of the work in general meets the goal. The first Chapter is devoted to analytical review of the literature on the problem. Special attention is paid to the concepts of "synesthesia", “sound-symbolism” and "color" and their places in the culture of the nation; the concept of phraseological units. The author comes to the conclusion that not only those words are sound symbolic which are felt as such by modern speakers, but also those in which this relationship during the development of the language was weakened, but which can be identified using phonosematic analysis. Here you can find detailed description of synesthesia in the Chinese language. The second Chapter is devoted to the analysis of English colour idioms. The author comes to the conclusion that sound-symbolism is international in its nature. The author provides an interesting, fairly complete collection of synesthesia examples in the English and Chinese language systems. The Conclusion outlines the main results and draws General conclusions of the study. While reading the reviewer had the following comments and questions: Comments: 1. Chinese synesthesia is discussed in the first Chapter, it seems more logical to consider it together with the English in the second Chapter. 2. Although there are elements of a comparative analysis of the Chinese and English systems in the text of the work, these results are not reflected in the conclusions . Questions: 1. Page 16. You say that "the peculiarities of each ethnic culture embodied in the color preferences makes it possible to speak about the color gaps and, accordingly, about color commons". Provide some examples of such commons. In addition, there are some problems of the work design. The work contains some syntax errors and formatting errors. All the concerns expressed above in general do not detract from the value of the work. The work submitted for review meets the requirements for final qualification paper, and deserves a positive assessment. PhD, associate professor T. Dobrova 10.06.2017