HEAD'S RESPONSE for final qualification work of the student of St.Petersburg State University Basyreva Victoria Olegovna on a subject: "Analysis of knowledge of bases of hygiene of an oral cavity at school students" The analysis of knowledge of bases of hygiene of an oral cavity at school students became an objective of this research. During the done work as Basyreva V. O. sociological survey has been conducted by method of questioning of 690 school students of municipal educational institution of "Gymnasium No. 6" of the city of Langepas of the Tyumen region. The received results conclusions concerning the level of knowledge of bases of hygiene of an oral cavity at school students are analysed, drawn. Final qualification work was performed by Basyreva V. O. independently, on the plan developed together with the research supervisor. During performance of final qualification work of Basyrev V. O. has applied necessary practical skills to holding poll of school students. When holding sociological poll she has made the questionnaires questionnaires directed to determination of level of knowledge of bases of hygiene of an oral cavity of school students. Final qualification work of Basyreva V. O. on structure and registration conforms to requirements imposed to similar researches on the Stomatology direction. In introduction relevance of the chosen perspective is proved, and also the practical importance and scientific novelty of work is noted. In the prolog the purposes and research problems are accurately formulated. When writing the literary review of Basyrev V. O. used modern data for coverage of the topic of a research. The main part of work consists of the description of materials and methods, and also results of own researches. On the basis of the received results the conclusion, and also a number of the conclusions following from objectives is formulated. Work is written competently, available and accurate language. The presented material is well structured and keeps the sequence of a statement. I consider that final qualification work of Basyreva Victoria Olegovna is the finished research. Head: "____" May, 2017. ____________ Vasyanina Anna Anatolyevna, PhDs in Medicine., the assistant performing study, department of stomatology Faculty of stomatology and medical technologies of St.Petersburg State University