REVIEW For the final qualifying work of the student of SPbSU Cherneeva Catherine Sergeyevna On the topic "Self-regulation of mental states in athletes with different levels of reflexivity", specialty 37.05.01- Clinical psychology The main educational program "Clinical psychology" Specialization: The psychology of sport and physical activity The content of the reviewed final qualifying work corresponds to the declared title and reflects the specifics of the basic educational program and specialization. The problem of self-regulation of mental states in sports, traditionally one of the priorities in the psychology of sports, is currently being considered in the context of solving problems of maintaining and maintaining the health of the athlete. In this regard, the study is relevant and has an applied nature. The wording of the goal and objectives, the object and the subject of the study as a whole are logical and interrelated. Hypotheses are formulated fairly correctly. The analysis of scientific and methodological literature is based on 93 sources and includes consideration of the three main constructs: "reflection", "mental states" and "self-regulation of mental states." The psychodiagnostic toolkit is optimally chosen, "not overloaded" and includes three methods - one for solving the first three assigned scientific research tasks: 1) the questionnaire "Differential type of reflection" Leontiev, EM Laptev EN Aspen and AJ Salikhova (TDR methodology, 2009); 2) "The Giessen questionnaire" (adaptation by VA Ababkov, SA Babin, GL Isurina, 1993); And 3) the questionnaire "Self-regulation of athletes at competitions" A.E. Lovyagina (2016). For statistical data processing, the following were used: 1) r-Spearman's rank correlation coefficient; 2) parametric t-Student test for independent samples; 3) nonparametric U-Mann-Whitney criterion for independent samples; 4) multiple regression analysis, performed by a step-by-step method; 5) the H-Kraskall-Wallace criterion. The study involved 65 athletes (40 men and 25 women), divided into four groups for different reasons:  by groups of sports: complex co-ordination, single combat and game;  qualification level: mass grades (from 1 junior to 1 adult), candidates for master of sports, masters of sports and masters of sports of international class;  by age: from 18 to 25 years and from 25 to 30 years;  educational level: higher, incomplete higher, general and secondary special. It is established that more adult athletes are prone to systemic reflexion, as well as athletes with secondary special education. Psychoregulatory training as a method of self-regulation is least effective for athletes with incomplete higher education, and most for athletes with secondary special. At the same time, the explanation: "This means that athletes who have just started training under the special secondary education program trust the methods of psycho-regulatory training more, whereas, already students who have not graduated from a higher education institution, against the background of regulatory frustration in the specialty, they experience Also mistrust of the customary methods of self-regulation "seems unconvincing due to the fact that sports, especially complexly coordinated species, do not begin at the moment of admission in institutions of secondary special education. Other results of scientific research: the higher the systemic reflexion, the more intense psychosomatic complaints and pains; The higher the tendency to introspection, the more often athletes feel the decline of bodily forces, experience stomach problems and unpleasant sensations in the heart, etc., seem reasonable. Conclusions and conclusion in general reflect the solution of the tasks, the hypothesis of the study is confirmed. The reviewed work is sufficiently clear, logical, consistent, has the recommended structure: introduction, three chapters, conclusions, conclusion, list of used literature, practical recommendations and applications. The main content is illustrated by 8 tables and 5 figures. We note a number of questions and comments: 1) in the Introduction there are two hypotheses, in Chapter 2 there is one, but perhaps this is a technical error; 2) despite 93 sources, not enough modern scientific literature on the problem being studied; P.1.1.3 "Reflection in sports activities" is practically not represented (less than 1.5 pages), although this is in the focus of attention of a rather large number of authors (A.Voshchinin, S.N.VERVERKOVICH, S.D.Khorina , DA Petrov); The general ratio of the Introduction in conjunction with the 1st chapter and the results of the study is 50s. To 10c., Which is a definite violation; 3) it is unclear whether the athletes are active or have finished their careers ?; 4) there are no specific features of the studied indicators in sportsmen by groups of sports: complex co-ordinates, single combats and gaming, and by skill level, which is more practically significant than the level of education; 5) it is more acceptable to apply the W-Wilcoxon test in several parameters with a scoring score than the t-Student's parametric criterion (for example, "Confidence in self before competition", etc.); 6) paragraphs should not end with a drawing without a test link-transition to another paragraph; 7) Practical recommendations are focused mainly on athletes. At the same time, the training of physical exercises and relaxation as a recommendation for highly qualified athletes is not optimal (most likely they have their own system of receptions for self-regulation (RM Zagainov, GD Gorbunov); 8) I would like to see in the Appendix primary data on 65 participants in the study; 9) there are no units of measurement in the tables, there are no indications in the figures, which means, for example, "9", "F", "I", etc. The text in some places is not formatted: then left alignment, indentation - not everywhere , The interval between paragraphs, several paragraphs begin with a new page, and do not follow one another; The list of literature is unclear according to which GOST (there are several variants). CONCLUSION: graduation qualification work of Cherneyeva Ekaterina Sergeevna to the topic "Self-regulation of mental states in athletes with different levels of reflexivity", specialty 37.05.01- Clinical psychology, the main educational program "Clinical Psychology". Specialization: The psychology of sports and physical activity - generally meets the requirements, can Be allowed to defend and deserves in view of the Report and answers to the questions of the positive HES mark (good). Reviewer: Associate professor,. Psychology to them. Puni P.F. Lesgaft NSU, St. Petersburg, Ph.D., Associate Professor Khvatskaya Elena Evgenievna